June 2, 2021


Time: 1:02 pm
Adjourned:  3:00 pm
Location:  Virtual Meeting

Chair: Neil Vickers

Present: Don Becker, Erica Breedlove, Matthew Campbell, Daniel Chupe O'Hanlon, Michael Garcia, Bernie Hinterlong, Amber Kelley, Wayne Maines, Willie Martinez, Shari Rodriquez, Lauren Sebel (for Martha Dorow), Sharon Simpson, Deshaunta Stewart, Julie Todaro, Henry Tsai, Geraldine Tucker

Absent: Chris Cervini, Martha Dorow, Garrett Groves, Brette Lea, Molly Beth Malcolm, Devin McMillian (SGA), Christina Michura, Henry Tsai

Guests: Charlene Buckley, Josias Ocampo

Minutes: Catherine Namour 

Next Meeting:  July 14, 2021

I Committee Reports / Other

A. Review of minutes, May 5, 2021

  On motion and vote, the minutes were approved as noted.

II Review following Posting for Employee Comments

A.   New, Teleworking (AR and G/P)

Comments from employees were reviewed. During a lengthy discussion, the Council deliberated a number of points in the proposal that require further development in order to provide clear institutional guidance to both employees and managers. There was agreement that clear and consistent communication regarding the return to working on campus will be critical to the successful implementation of the new administrative rule. Neil and Gerry will continue to develop the AR and G/P and present again at a future meeting.

III Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

A.   6.08.005, AR and G/P, Resolution of an Employee Complaint or Grievance

Charlene, Gerry and Neil addressed questions from the Council and a few adjustments were proposed. On motion and vote, the documents were approved for posting after being modified to incorporate the additional suggested changes.  



I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Review of minutes, May 5, 2021.

II    Review following Posting for Employee Comments

  A. New AR and  G/P, Teleworking

 III   Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 6.08.005 AR and G/P, Resolution of an Employee Complaint or Grievance

To be presented by Charlene Buckley.