December 7, 2016


Time: 1:00 pm
Adjourned:   3:00 pm
Location:   HBC Rm 502

Chair: Neil Vickers

Present: Donald Becker, Erica Breedlove, Chris Cervini, FC Caranikas,  Stan Gunn, Bernie Hinterlong, Ruth Reinhart, Shari Rodriquez, Rachel Ruiz, Clark Shaffer (for Matt Pappas), Julie Todaro,  Geraldine Tucker

Absent: Marissa Burill, Matthew Campbell, Rebecca Cole, Vanessa Faz,  Mike Hill, Brette Lea, Ben Mathey,  Bill Mullane , Matthew Pappas, Connie Park, George Tatarintsev, Brandon Whatley  

Guests: Steven Hassel, Alisol Martinez

Minutes: Catherine Namour 

Next Meeting:  February 1, 2017

I      Committee Reports / Other

A. Minutes of the previous meeting and updates - November 2, 2016

Approval of the minutes was deferred due to lack of a quorum present.

B. Administrative Rule 5.02.001, Use of College Facilities

Neil advised that the rule was recently amended to address language related to political advertising and brought directly to the President for signature.  After discussion, Council members indicated that it would not be necessary at this time for the draft to go through the usual ASC process for draft approval.

II     Review following posting

No rules to review at this time.

III    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

      Group 1: Second review (with changes suggested at meeting on November 2):

A. 6.09.007 Leave

After discussion, this draft was approved by members present to post for employee comments however a vote was not taken due to lack of quorum.

B. 6.10.004 Leave Without Pay
C. 6.10.004 G/P (new)

After discussion, these drafts were approved by members present to post for employee comments however a vote was not taken due to lack of quorum.

D. 6.09.009 Accrued Leave
E. 6.09.009 G/P (new)

Several changes were proposed to items 4-9 in the Vacation Leave section to clarify the rule in relation to accrual during probation as well as employee classifications.  The rule and guidelines/procedures will be revised further and presented at a future meeting.

Group 2: First review



I      Committee Reports / Other



Minutes of the previous meeting and updates - November 2, 2016

5.02.001  Use of College Facilities

II     Review following posting

III    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

      Group 1: Second review (with changes suggested at meeting on November 2):

     Group 2: First review