February 5, 2020


Time:  10:10 am
Adjourned:  11:10 am
Location:  HBC Rm 301

Chair: Neil Vickers

Present: Don Becker, Erica Breedlove, Chris Cervini, Melissa Curtis, Michael Garcia, Katharine Garza, Garrett Groves, Bernie Hinterlong, Amber Kelley, Brette Lea, Wayne Maines, Misty Rasmussen, Shari Rodriquez, Nancy Stano, Julie Todaro, Geraldine Tucker Adjourned:

Absent: Samantha Ackers, Matthew Campbell, Garrett Groves, Molly Beth Malcolm, Christina Michura, Steven Valdez, Brandon Whatley  

Minutes: Catherine Namour 

Next Meeting:  March 4, 2020

I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Review of minutes, December 4, 2019

The minutes were approved as noted.

II     Review following Posting for Employee Comments

  A. 6.01.004: Background Checks for Employment - Administrative Rule and Guideline/Procedure

Erica briefed the Council on comments received from employees and the response from HR. Discussion resulted in slight changes to wording in the section regarding security-sensitive positions. On a related note, HR will compile a list of security-sensitive positions and share as appropriate. Following discussion, a motion was made to send the proposed changes to the President including minor suggestions made at this meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

III    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 6.02.001: Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation - Administrative Rule and Guideline/Procedure 

The proposed draft combines and adds new sections to the following existing ARs:
6.02.001, Harassment Prevention, and G/P
6.02.004, Non-Discrimination in Employment, and G/P

Gerry Tucker clarified the rationale for combining the Administrative Rules. Bullying is not a legal definition so the term has been removed. Aspects of the ARs which are contained in other rules (specific to the Compliance Office) have also been removed. The remaining content has been moved to 6.02.001. 

After discussion, the draft was tabled to allow additional editing to be done.


I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Review of minutes, December 4, 2019

II     Review following Posting for Employee Comments

  A. 6.01.004 AR and G/P:  Background Checks for Employment

III    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 6.02.001 AR and G/P,  Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation