September 2, 2020


Time: 1:15 pm
Adjourned: 3:01 pm
Location: Videoconference (Zoom)

Chair: Neil Vickers

Present: Don Becker, Erica Breedlove, Matthew Campbell, Chris Cervini, Daniel Chupe O'Hanlon, Martha Dorow, Michael Garcia, Bernie Hinterlong, Amber Kelley, Wayne Maines, Willie Martinez, Shari Rodriquez, Deshaunta Stewart, Julie Todaro, Geraldine Tucker

Absent: Brette Lea, Garrett Groves, Molly Beth Malcolm, Henry Tsai

Guests: Larry Davis, Cameron Keel, Kimberly Whitmer  

Minutes: Catherine Namour  

Next Meeting:  October 7, 2020

I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Welcome new members and introductions 

The group welcomed new members and guests.

  B. Chair's opening remarks

Neil briefed attendees on the overall shared governance structure at ACC as well as the functions and membership of the ASC which serves as a recommending body to the Chancellor. He also described the hierarchy of college policies beginning with the Board Policies. 

Members have been appointed due to their level of expertise and ability to contribute to the discussion of proposed changes to rules, and are expected to represent the group that appointed them in helping the College make informed decisions about the Administrative Rules.

Gerry added that this year will be a good time to consider rules that employees feel need to be created. There might also be rules that are no longer consistent with current college operations and practices, and therefore might be proposed for rescission.

  C. Review of minutes, July 1, 2020

On motion and vote, the minutes will unanimously approved.

Re: item I.B., Committee to review ACC's Complaint and Grievance Processes, Neil advised that the committee has met and is working on a report to share with the Council.

  D. Other business

Neil advised that in accordance with AR 3.03.011, Administrative Rules and Guidelines/Procedures shall be reviewed every three years. A discussion of the process will be added to the agenda of a future.

II     Review following Posting for Employee Comments

        There were no items posted following the previous meeting.

III   Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 6.05.007, AR and G/P, Employment Eligibility Verification

Presented by Erica Breedlove. The language has been updated to make it less ambiguous in relation to federal law. Other edits refect changes in naming standards since the last revision of the AR. During discussion a number of suggestions were put forward by the Council. Significant sections of the rule were recommended to be movee to the guideline/procedure. Erica will incorporate the suggested changes and submit a revised draft for discussion at the next meeting. 

  B. 6.08.003 AR and G/P, Progressive Discipline for Staffing Table Employees (renamed from 'Progressive Discipline for Non-Faculty Employees')

Neil briefed the Council on the history of the AR's changes over the years. Faculty were removed from this AR and the intention was to create a separate rule for faculty however that did not happen. Neil has agreed with Mike Midgley, VP of Instruction, that the rule should include faculty. Gerry will confer with Faculty Senate leadership and present a revised draft at the next meeting.   


I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Welcome new members and introductions 

  B. Chair's opening remarks

  C. Review of minutes, July 1, 2020

II     Review following Posting for Employee Comments

        There were no items posted following the previous meeting.    

III   Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 6.05.007 AR and G/P, Employment Eligibility Verification

  B. 6.08.003 AR and G/P, Progressive Discipline for Staffing Table Employees (renamed from 'Progressive Discipline for Non-Faculty Employees')