March 4, 2020


Time: 1:00 pm
Adjourned:  2:35 pm
Location:  HBC Rm 502

Chair: Neil Vickers

Present: Don Becker, Jason Briseno (for Melissa Curtis), Chris Cervini, Michael Garcia, Katharine Bennett Garza, Maggie Maher (for Misty Rasmussen), Shari Rodriquez, Nancy Stano, Julie Todaro, Geraldine Tucker

Absent: Samantha Ackers, Erica Breedlove, Matthew Campbell, Melissa Curtis, Garrett Groves, Bernie Hinterlong, Amber Kelley, Brette Lea, Wayne Maines, Molly Beth Malcolm, Christina Michura, Misty Rasmussen, Steven Valdez, Brandon Whatley

Minutes: Catherine Namour 

Next Meeting:  April 1, 2020

I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Review of minutes, February 5, 2020

Approval of the minutes was deferred due to lack of a quorum. 

II     Review following Posting for Employee Comments

        There were no items posted for employee comments following the previous meeting.

III    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 3.03.003 AR and G/P:  Drug Free Workpace & Drug Free Schools and Communities Act & Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP) for Employees

Presented by Gerry Tucker. The Council discussed the proposed changes at length. Definitions (workplace location, ACC-sponsored activity) were also discussed. Suggested revisions will be incorporated by the developer and presented again at a later date.

  B. 3.03.017 AR and G/P:  Management of Employee Information

Presented by Gerry Tucker.  After discussion the Council recommended that the documents be returned for further development.

  C. 6.05.007 AR and G/P:  Employment Eligibility Verification

Presented by Gerry Tucker.  After discussion the Council recommended that the documents be returned for further development.

  D. 6.05.008 AR and G/P,  Employment of Temporary Workers and Trainers in H-1B Nonimmigrant Status

Presented by Gerry Tucker.  After discussion the Council recommended that the documents be returned for further development.


I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Review of minutes, February 5, 2020

II     Review following Posting for Employee Comments

        There were no items posted for employee comments following the previous meeting.

III    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 3.03.003 AR and G/P ,  Drug Free Workplace & Drug Free Schools and Communities Act & Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP) for Employees

  B. 3.03.017 AR and G/P,  Management of Employee Information

  C. 6.05.007 AR and G/P,  Employment Eligibility Verification

  D. 6.05.008 AR and G/P,  Employment of Temporary Workers and Trainers in H-1B Nonimmigrant Status