November 7, 2018


Time: 1:07 pm
Adjourned:  3:00 pm
Location:  HBC Rm 502

Chair: Neil Vickers 

Present: Samantha Ackers, Don Becker, Melissa Curtis, Michael Garcia, Garrett Groves, Bernie Hinterlong, Paul Mason, Don Morris, Daniel O'Hanlon, Julie Todaro, Gerry Tucker, Brandon Whatley

Absent: Matthew Campbell, Chris Cervini, Tracie German, Amber Kelley, Brette Lea, Wayne Maines, Molly Beth Malcolm, Lisa McCartney, Shari Rodriquez, Maria Tavera

Guest: Dana Tucker  

Minutes: Catherine Namour 

Next Meeting:  December 5, 2018

I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Approval of minutes, September 5, 2018

The minutes were approved as noted.

With reference to item I.C., Gerry inquired regarding the plan to update existing Administrative Rules to the TASB template format. Neil advised that after further consideration and consultation with TASB there is no need to adopt TASB's style guide for regulations. We do have a need to update the Board Policy reference in each AR.  

  B. FY19 Administrative Rule work plan

Neil advised that this is a working document and will serve as a guide to the documents the Council will work on this FY.

II    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 3.03.011 AR Administrative Implementation of Board Policy and Board Delegated Areas
3.03.011 G/P Creation, Modification, Rescission of Administrative Rules and Guidelines/Procedures

The Council discussed at length the Administrative Rules and Guidelines/Procedures in general. Neil asked the Council to consider the benefits and challenges of removing Guidelines/Procedures from the Shared Governance process with a preference to move those to departmental procedure manuals. This is a larger question about how to manage procedure manuals college-wide. We need clear procedures that are organized in a manner that is clear and accessible to all employees.

After discussion, Don moved to post AR and G/P 3.03.011 for employee comments with the minor modifications identified at this meeting and with the understanding that there is some discussion and work to be done in the future. The motion passed on a vote of 12-1-0.

  B. 6.10.006 Holidays

Gerry advised that the title of the AR has been changed to "Holiday Pay" to more accurately convey the content.  On motion the Council voted unanimously to post the draft for employee comments. 

The Council briefly discussed the purpose and benefit of value statements and whether they should be removed from all ARs.  The ACAC has already started removing that section. This will be discussed further at a future meeting.  

  C. 6.10.013 Temporary Pay (This is a rewrite of the AR 6.10.013 Temporary Assignment Pay)

This item was deferred due to time constraints.


I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Approval of minutes, September 5, 2018

  B. FY19 Administrative Rule work plan

II    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

         All documents referenced below are in the ASC shared folder.

  A. 3.03.011 AR Administrative Implementation of Board Policy and Board Delegated Areas
3.03.011 G/P Creation, Modification, Rescission of Administrative Rules and Guidelines/Procedures

  B. 6.10.006 Holidays

  C. 6.10.013 Temporary Pay (This is a rewrite of the AR 6.10.013 Temporary Assignment Pay)