May 5, 2021


Time: 1:04 pm
Adjourned:  2:37
Location:  Virtual Meeting

Chair: Neil Vickers

Present: Don Becker, Chris Cervini, Daniel Chupe O'Hanlon, Martha Dorow, Michael Garcia, Brette Lea, Willie Martinez, Devin McMillian (SGA), Shari Rodriquez, Sharon Simpson, Deshaunta Stewart, Julie Todaro, Henry Tsai, Geraldine Tucker

Absent: Erica Breedlove, Matthew Campbell, Garrett Groves, Bernie Hinterlong, Amber Kelley, Wayne Maines, Molly Beth Malcolm, Christina Michura

Guests: Wade Bradfute, Charlene Buckley, Casey Martinez, Missi Patterson

Minutes: Catherine Namour

Next Meeting:  June 2, 2021

I Committee Reports / Other

A. Review of minutes, April 7, 2021

On motion and vote, the minutes were approved as noted.

B. Status of ARs and GPs approved during the first semester of FY21

Catherine advised that all of the ARs that were approved to send to the Chancellor between June-December 2020 have been signed and are currently being uploaded to the AR inventory.

II    Review following Posting for Employee Comments

  There were no items posted for comments following the previous meeting.

 III   Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

A. 3.05.005,  AR and New G/P, Shared Governance Process

Wade Bradfute and Missi Patterson presented proposed changes to the Administrative Rule and a new Guideline/Procedure. The documents will be presented at the SGRC meeting scheduled for May 14, 2021. ASC members are invited to comment on the proposed changes before that date. The SGRC intends to post the documents for employee comments and will serve as the recommending body to the Chancellor.

  B. 6.08.005, AR and G/P, Resolution of an Employee Complaint or Grievance

Third reading.  Charlene Buckley provided an overview of the key revisions in the draft proposal. The revision process included collaboration and feedback from the ad hoc committee that was formed for this purpose, various ACC stakeholders, and legal counsel. The Council discussed several of the salient points of the proposal and provided recommendations for continued development of the process, criterion, terms, and other particulars.  


I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Review of minutes, April 7, 2021

  B. Status of ARs and GPs approved during the first semester of FY21

II    Review following Posting for Employee Comments

  No items posted for comments following the previous meeting. 

III   Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 3.05.005 AR and New G/P, Shared Governance Process

To be presented by Wade Bradfute and Missi Patterson.

  B. 6.08.005 AR and G/P, Resolution of an Employee Complaint or Grievance

Third reading.  To be presented by Charlene Buckley.