November 6, 2019


Time: 1:02 pm
Adjourned:  3:00 pm
Location:  HBC Rm 502

Chair: Neil Vickers 

Present: Erica Breedlove, Katharine Bennett, Chris Cervini, Michael Garcia, Bernie Hinterlong, Amber Kelley, Wayne Maines, Shari Rodriquez, Missi Patterson (for Don Becker), Nancy Stano, Geraldine Tucker, Steven Valdez, Brandon Whatley

Absent: Samantha Ackers, Don Becker, Matthew Campbell, Melissa Curtis, Garrett Groves, Brette Lea, Molly Beth Malcolm, Christina Michura, Misty Rasmussen, Julie Todaro   

Guests: Leah Jensen  

Minutes: Catherine Namour 

Next Meeting:  December 4, 2019

I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Approval of minutes, September 11, 2019

On motion, the Council voted to approve the minutes as noted. The motion passed unanimously.

  B. ARs undergoing legal review

Gerry advised that a number of Administrative Rules are currently under review by the College's legal counsel to ensure that our processes align with legislation. The rules will be presented to the ASC if there are resulting changes: 

      3.10.003  Prohibition of Sexual Misconduct

      6.02.001  Harassment Prevention

      6.02.002  Prohibition of Discrimination or Harassment of Students on the Basis of Disability

      6.02.003  Prohibition of Discrimination or Harassment of Students on the Basis of Race, Color

      6.04.004  Non-Discrimination in Employment

II    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 3.05.001 Student Stipends for Participation in Student Government Association and Shared Governance

Chris Cervini presented. The developers will clarify a number of points raised by the Council and bring the revised draft to the next meeting.

  B. 3.03.017 Employee Information (renamed to Employee Personnel Files) - Administrative Rule and Guideline/Procedure

Erica Breedlove presented. After discussion, the documents were returned for further development.

  C. 6.01.004 Background Checks for Employment  - Administrative Rule and Guideline/Procedure

Erica Breedlove presented. After discussion, the documents were returned for further development.

  D. 6.03.001 Posting of Position Openings (renamed to Recruitment and Posting of Position Openings)  - Administrative Rule and new Guideline/Procedure

Erica Breedlove presented. After discussion, the documents were returned for further development.

  E. 6.06.002 Employment of Personnel

Gerry Tucker presented. After review the Council approved the draft proposal to be posted for employee comments.

  F. 6.09.002 Employee Orientation

Gerry Tucker presented. After review the Council approved the draft proposal to be posted for employee comments.

III  Proposal to Rescind

  A. 6.01.002 Personnel Actions

Gerry Tucker presented. The content of this AR has been incorporated into AR 6.06.002, Employment of Personnel. On motion and vote, the Council approved the request to rescind the AR to be sent to the President.


I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Review of minutes, September 11, 2019

  B. December 4 meeting - revised start time, 10:00

  C. Administrative Rules under review by legal:

      3.10.003  Prohibition of Sexual Misconduct

      6.02.001  Harassment Prevention

      6.02.002  Prohibition of Discrimination or Harassment of Students on the Basis of Disability

      6.02.003  Prohibition of Discrimination or Harassment of Students on the Basis of Race, Color

      6.04.004  Non-Discrimination in Employment

II    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 3.05.001 AR:  Student Stipends for Participation in Student Government Association and Shared Governance

  B. 3.03.017 AR and G/P:  Employee Information (renamed to Employee Personnel Files)

  C. 6.01.004 AR and G/P:  Background Checks for Employment 

  D. 6.03.001 AR and G/P:  Posting of Position Openings (renamed to Recruitment and Posting of Position Openings)

  E. 6.06.002 AR: Employment of Personnel

  F. 6.09.002 AR: Employee Orientation 

III  Proposal to Rescind

  A. 6.01.002 Personnel Actions

The content of this AR has been incorporated into AR 6.06.002, Employment of Personnel.