May 6, 2020


 Time: 1:04 pm
Adjourned: 3:01 pm
Location: Videoconference (Google Meet)

Chair: Neil Vickers

Present: Samantha Ackers, Don Becker, Erica Breedlove, Matthew Campbell, Chris Cervini, Melissa Curtis, Michael Garcia, Katharine Garza, Bernie Hinterlong, Amber Kelley, Brette Lea, Wayne Maines, Christina Michura, Misty Rasmussen, Shari Rodriquez, Nancy Stano, Julie Todaro, Geraldine Tucker, Brandon Whatley

Absent: Garrett Groves, Molly Beth Malcolm

Guests: Steven Hassel, Kimberly Whitmer  

Minutes: Catherine Namour 

Next Meeting:  June 3, 2020

I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Review of minutes, March 4, 2020

The minutes were approved as noted. 

II     Review following Posting for Employee Comments

        There were no items posted for employee comments following the previous meeting.

III    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 3.05.001 AR, Student Stipends for Participation in Student Government Association and Shared Governance

Presented by Chris Cervini. Revisions were made to the Administrative Rule (AR) to bring it in line with current reporting and budget structures. Clauses that were irrelevant to the subject or redundant (existing in other administrative rules) were removed. On motion and vote the Council unanimously approved the draft to be posted for employee comments. 

  B. 3.03.017 AR and G/P, Management of Employee Information

Presented by Gerry Tucker and Erica Breedlove. Revisions were made to the Administrative Rule (AR) and Guideline/Procedure (G/P) to ensure compliance with recent amendments to state law. During discussion a number of suggestions were made to clarify the language and ensure consistency throughout the AR and G/P. On motion and vote the Council unanimously approved the drafts to be posted for employee comments.

  C. 6.01.004 AR and G/P, Background Checks for Employment

Presented by Erica Breedlove. The AR and G/P were revised to ensure the language is consistent with current legal statutes and Board policies. Other proposed modifications are for purposes of clarification. On motion and vote, the Council unanimously approved the drafts to be posted for employee comments.

  D. 6.03.001 AR and New G/P, Recruitment and Posting of Position Openings

Presented by Erica Breedlove. The AR has been edited for clarity. Process-related text has been moved to a newly created G/P. On motion and vote, the Council unanimously approved the drafts to be posted for employee comments.

  E. 6.08.003 AR and G/P, Progressive Discipline for Non-Faculty Employees

This item was deferred due to lack of time.

  F. 6.09.008 AR, Leave for Grant Employees

Presented by Steven Hassel. After discussion, the Council recommended the provisions of the rule be incorporated into existing rules that deal with the relevant topics (leave, position posting, employment contracts).

  G. 6.09.009 AR and G/P, Accrued Leave

Presented by Steven Hassel. After discussion, the Council recommended the drafts be developed further and brought back to the next meeting for a second reading.  


I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Review of minutes, March 4, 2020

II     Review following Posting for Employee Comments

        There were no items posted for employee comments following the previous meeting.

III    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 3.05.001 AR, Student Stipends for Participation in Student Government Association and Shared Governance

Second reading. (First reading 11/06/2019)

  B. 3.03.017 AR and G/P, Management of Employee Information

This was posted for comments (08/07/2019) then withdrawn by the developer for further revisions.

  C. 6.01.004 AR and G/P, Background Checks for Employment

This was approved to send to the President following employee comments (02/05/2020) then withdrawn by the developer for further revisions.

  D. 6.03.001 AR and NEW G/P, Recruitment and Posting of Position Openings

  E. 6.08.003 AR and G/P, Progressive Discipline for Non-Faculty Employees

  F. 6.09.008 AR, Leave for Grant Employees

  G. 6.09.009 AR and G/P, Accrued Leave