April 4, 2018


Time: 1:10 pm
Adjourned:  2:00 pm
Location:  HBC Rm 502

Chair: Neil Vickers 

Present: Mike Acosta, Denise Anding (for Ron Johns), Don Becker, Matthew Campbell, Raja Faris, Tracie German, Ben Mathey, Don Morris, Anaka Rivera (for Matt Pappas), Geraldine Tucker, Jennifer Weber (for Julie Todaro)

Guest: Imad Costantini  

Absent: Charlene Buckley, FC Caranikas, Chris Cervini, Bernie Hinterlong, Ron Johns, Brette Lea, Bill Mullane, Matt Pappas, Shari Rodriquez, Julie Todaro, Richard Vega, Brandon Whatley

Minutes: Catherine Namour  

Next Meeting:  May 2, 2018

I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. The minutes of the meeting on February 7, 2018 were approved as noted.

  B. Neil introduced Imad Costantini, new VP, IT to the Council.

  C. TASB Policy Services, Legal and Local Policies (Board Policies)

Neil advised that the Board of Trustees approved a number of policies to be added to the TASB online policy manual. The online manual will eventually replace the current Board Policies website. The manual can be accessed at the following link:  https://pol.tasb.org/Home/Index/1145

  D. TASB Policy Services, Regulations (Administrative Rules)

The discussion at the Council level will be the process of converting ARs to the TASB format (referred to as Regulations). Neil proposes that sub-groups be formed to work on the conversion with clear direction to ensure that the language of the ARs is maintained.

Don Morris added that the Faculty Senate has already made some progress in correlating existing ARs to the TASB framework of Regulations.

The Council discussed the considerations, challenges and concerns related to implementation of the AR conversion. Neil will meet with Mike Midgley and Virginia Fraire to begin formulating a holistic plan.

The Council agreed that more information is required before a target date can be stated however the beginning of the new FY may be realistic and favorable. 


I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Minutes of the previous meeting and updates - February 7, 2018

  B. Update: TASB Policy Services, Legal and Local Policies (Board Policies)

  C. Discussion: TASB Policy Services, Regulations (Administrative Rules)