March 6, 2024


Called to Order:   1:02 pm

Adjourned:   1:58 pm

Location: Virtual Meeting

Chair: Neil Vickers


Present: Traci Allen, Donald Becker, Charity Benford, Matthew Campbell, Chris Cervini, Larry Davis, Youssef El-Hage, Christine Hall, Tennille Harris, Jenna Cullinane Hege, Jon Luckstead, Alisol Martinez (for Erica Breedlove), Keri Moczygemba, Don Morris (for Lisa Coppoletta)

Absent: Erica Breedlove, Lisa Coppoletta, Robert Hall (SGA), Bernadette Hinterlong, Sharrion Jenkins, Molly Beth Malcolm, Shari Rodriquez, Roxane Royalty, Deshaunta Stewart, Kelly Torrico

Minutes: Catherine Namour 


Next Meeting:  April 3, 2024

I For Information/Discussion

A. Review of minutes, December 6, 2023

On motion, and vote, the minutes were approved as noted.

B. ASC Workplan:  review of ASC ARs

Citing AR 2.0800.01, Administrative Implementation of Board Policy which states ARs and G/Ps shall be reviewed every three years, Neil invited the Council to discuss ways to carry out that review process.

Neil also advised that a recent clause added to AR 2.0800.01, as approved by the SGRC, now allows a Council Chair to make non-substantive modifications to an AR or G/P.  Neil and Catherine will prepare a workplan to place applicable ARs on a consent agenda item on upcoming meeting agendas for Council vote.  

C. Update on 4.0503.02, Accrued Leave

Neil briefed the Council on the history of the effort to update the AR. It is currently on hold, as requested, for review and a possible alternative proposal by the Senate Policies and Procedures Committee.

III. Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

A. 4.0501.01 Payroll 

After discussion, the Council approved the draft, with slight modifications, to be posted for employee comments.


I For Information/Discussion

A. Review of minutes, December 6, 2023

B. ASC Workplan:  review of ASC ARs

C. Update on 4.0503.02, Accrued Leave

III. Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

A. 4.0501.01 Payroll