September 6, 2023


Called to Order:   1:05 pm

Adjourned:   2:50 pm

Location: Virtual Meeting

Chair: Neil Vickers


Present: Traci Allen, Donald Becker, Charity Benford, Erica Breedlove, Chris Cervini, Jenna Cullinane Hege, Larry Davis, Chris De La Ronde, Yourssef El-Hage, Christine Hall, Tennille Harris, Sharrion Jenkins, Jon Luckstead, Keri Moczygemba, Ruth Reinhart (for Roxane Royalty), Deshaunta Stewart, Kelly Torrico

Absent: Matthew Campbell, Bernadette Hinterlong, Molly Beth Malcolm, Shari Rodriquez, Roxane Royalty

Guests: Jackie Burns, Daniel Chupe-O'Hanlon, Laura Lucas, Alisol Martinez

Minutes: Catherine Namour 


Next Meeting:  October 4, 2023

I For Information/Discussion

A. Welcome and Chair's opening remarks

Neil welcomed all new and returning members to the ASC. He reviewed the Council functions noting that review of Administrative Rules (AR) takes up most of Council's time;  however, members are welcome to suggest other agenda topics.

The process for amending and rescinding  ARs is found in AR 2.0800.01, Administrative Implementation of Board Policy.  The ASC is a recommending body. All ARs are sent to the Chancellor for execution and become effective on the date of signing.

B. Review of notes for meeting on July 5, 2023

No action was recommended as a quorum was not present for the meeting. The notes are for reference only.

C. Review of minutes, May 3, 2023 

On motion, and vote, the minutes were approved as noted.

II. Review following Posting for Employee Comments

A. 3.1200.01 Naming of Facilities/Public Recognition

 3.1200.01.1 Naming of Facilities/Public Recognition (Guideline/Procedure)

Lara  Lucas presented comments received from employees. During discussion, Council members recommended the documents be developed further in order to clarify various types of  naming  opportunities and other public recognition (ex. facilities vs  signs/plaques) and the authority to  approve them (the Board of Trustees vs the Chancellor). 

On motion, and vote, the Council approved the AR and G/P to be sent to the Chancellor for signature with the changes as posted, with the stipulation that the documents be placed on a future ASC agenda for further discussion and proposed changes as noted above.

III. Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

A. 4.0503.02 Accrued Leave

4.0503.02.1 Accrued Leave Guideline/Procedure

Alisol presented third drafts of the proposed changes. The Council discussed the proposed changes at length and made several suggestions for additional changes to add definition and clarity. Alisol, Don and Jackie will further develop the documents based on Council feedback. 

On motion, and vote, the documents were approved for posting with the agreed additional changes.

B. 4.0901.01 Employee Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation  (no changes proposed for the AR)

4.0901.01.1 Employee Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Guideline/Procedure

The Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance has proposed changes to the Guideline/Procedure that reflect recently enacted legislation.  On motion, and vote, the documents were approved to post for employee comments.


I For Information/Discussion

A. Welcome and Chair's opening remarks

B. Review of notes for meeting on July 5, 2023
No action to be taken as a quorum was not present.

C. Review of minutes, May 3, 2023 

II. Review following Posting for Employee Comments

A. 3.1200.01 Naming of Facilities/Public Recognition

 3.1200.01.1 Naming of Facilities/Public Recognition (Guideline/Procedure)

III. Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

A. 4.0503.02 Accrued Leave

4.0503.02.1 Accrued Leave Guideline/Procedure

Third draft.

B. 4.0901.01 Employee Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation  (no changes proposed for the AR)

4.0901.01.1 Employee Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Guideline/Procedure