March 3, 2021


Time: 1:00 pm
Adjourned: 3:00 pm
Location: Virtual Meeting

Chair: Neil Vickers

Present: Don Becker, Erica Breedlove, Matthew Campbell, Daniel Chupe O'Hanlon, Martha Dorow, Bernie Hinterlong, Amber Kelley, Brette Lea, Wayne Maines, Willie Martinez, Devin McMillian (SGA), Christina Michura, Shari Rodriquez, Sharon Simpson, Julie Todaro, Henry Tsai, Geraldine Tucker

Absent: Chris Cervini, Michael Garcia, Garrett Groves, Molly Beth Malcolm, Deshaunta Stewart  

Minutes: Catherine Namour 

Next Meeting:  April 7, 2021

I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Review of minutes, February 3, 2021

On motion and vote, the minutes were approved as noted.

  B. Virtual Attendance at Shared Governance meetings

At their meeting on February 12, 2021, the Shared Governance Review Council (SGRC) presented draft proposed guidelines for virtual attendance at shared governance meetings which they intend to include on the SGRC website. The ASC was asked to provide comments and suggestions directly to the SGRC Chair.

II     Review following Posting for Employee Comments

A. 6.05.007, AR and G/P, Employment Eligibility Verification 

Erica Breedlove presented comments received from employees and responded to suggestions from the Council. On motion and vote, the Council approved the revised AR and G/P to be sent to the Chancellor for signature and adoption.

III   Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 3.03.005 AR, Institutional Memberships

Neil Vickers presented the draft proposal. The revisions are intended to clarify membership categories, eligibility, and funding sources. Changes to the annual budget process in FY19 helped to clarify the distinction between institutional and departmental-level memberships. During the Council's discussion, a number of questions arose (particularly in relation to individual memberships). Neil will further develop the draft and place it on the agenda of a future meeting.

   B. 5.03.002 AR, Internal Audit

Neil presented the draft proposal. This was the second reading of a draft first presented at the meeting on February 3, 2021. The internal audit charter was embedded into the rule and the language was revised for consistency. On motion and vote, the draft was approved for posting for employee comments.

  C. Draft proposal for New AR, Teleworking 

Neil presented a draft policy that might be considered for addition to the College Administrative Rules. The draft has also been presented to the Cabinet and the Employee Association Presidents. The document is an attempt to put into writing some of the working practices that have been introduced in the past year. The Council discussed various points in the document and provided feedback. Neil thanked the Council for their comments and suggestions and advised that this will be further discussed by relevant stakeholders and presented again at a future meeting. 


I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Review of minutes, February 3, 2021

  B. Virtual Attendance at Shared Governance meetings

The SGRC requests feedback on guidelines to be posted on the SGRC website

II     Review following Posting for Employee Comments

A.   6.05.007, AR and G/P,  Employment Eligibility Verification 

III   Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 3.03.005 AR, Institutional Memberships

To be presented by Neil Vickers.

   B. 5.03.002 AR, Internal Audit

Second reading. To be presented by Neil Vickers.

  C. New AR, Teleworking 

To be presented by Neil Vickers. This is the first reading of a draft policy that has been reviewed by the Cabinet and the Employee Association Presidents.