April 6, 2022


Time: 1:12 pm

Adjourned:  2:57 pm

Location: Virtual Meeting

Chair: Neil Vickers


Present: Latisha Addison, Don Becker, Erica Breedlove, Chris Cervini, Daniel Chupe O'Hanlon, Sharon Goh (for Samantha Croft), Tennille Harris, Amber Kelley, Wayne Maines, Willie Martinez, Christina Michura, Justin Parker (SGA), Marvi Reyes, Shari Rodriquez, Julie Todaro


Absent:  Matthew Campbell, Christie Carr, Samantha Croft, Bernie Hinterlong, Molly Beth Malcolm, Deshaunta Stewart, Khayree Williams

Guests: Dawn Hatten, Emilie Kunze, Alisol Martinez, Cassandra Olivo, Joseph Sefton

Minutes: Catherine Namour 


Next Meeting:  May 4, 2022

I For Information

A. Review of minutes, March 2, 2022

On motion and vote, the minutes were approved as noted.

B. New AR Directory website

The new website was published on April 1, 2022. All documents on the old site have been redirected to the new site. Although a date for taking down the old site has not been confirmed, some Council members expressed support for that to be done at the end of the current FY.

II. Review following Posting for Employee Comments

A. 3.1900.01   Information Security, New AR

Joe and Emilie presented the comments received from employees. Additional suggestions were made by the Council. After discussion, on motion and vote, the AR was approved to send to the Chancellor for signature.

B. 4.0503.03   Non-Accrued Paid Leave, AR and G/P

Alisol and Neil presented the comments received from employees and answered questions from the Council. Neil clarified the questions around professional development, noting that it is not considered leave.

The Council discussed questions posed regarding sabbatical "leave". There was general agreement that the process and related AR are in need of review/revision. Daniel is on the sabbatical review committee and will share the Council's feedback with that group.

The Council discussed at length the clause regarding parental leave in relation to FMLA. Neil and Alisol will conduct further research and report at a future meeting. 

Amendment approved June 1, 2022:

On motion and vote, the AR and G/P were approved to send to the Chancellor for signature.

III Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

A. 4.0501.06   Full-Time Faculty Placement and Advancement AR

Shari noted that the placement criteria table needs to be updated to concur with the table currently in use by HR. The document is therefore returned for further development. 

Neil pointed out that the AR was last reviewed by the ASAC, however since content is compensation-related, and does not involve instruction, he proposed that the ASC handle the shared governance review process going forward. There was general agreement by the Council. Neil will discuss with Mike Midgley and report back to the Council.   

B. Proposal to rescind obsolete IT ARs

The Council reviewed a proposal to rescind a number of obsolete ARs:
    3.1800.03  Use of Telecommunication Resources [relevant AR content included in 3.1800.02 Use of Technology Resources]
    3.1800.04  ACCmail (Student Only) [relevant AR and G/P content included in 3.1800.02 Use of Technology Resources]
    3.1800.05  Use of College Information Systems [relevant AR and G/P content included in 3.1800.01 Acceptable Use of College Information Systems]
    3.1900.02  Connecting Devices to the College Network [relevant AR content included in 3.1900.01 Information Security]

On motion and vote, the proposal was accepted. Catherine will post the proposal for employee comments upon signing of the new Information Security AR (agenda item II.A.). 


I For Information

A. Review of minutes, March 2, 2022

B. New AR Directory website

II. Review following Posting for Employee Comments

A. 3.1900.01   Information Security, New AR

B. 4.0503.03   Non-Accrued Paid Leave, AR and G/P

III Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

A. 4.0501.06   Full-Time Faculty Placement and Advancement, AR

B. Proposal to rescind obsolete IT ARs

The recent adoption of 3 new IT ARs effectively renders the following ARs  obsolete:

  3.1800.03  Use of Telecommunication Resources [relevant AR content included in 3.1800.02 Use of Technology Resources]
  3.1800.04  ACCmail (Student Only) [relevant AR and G/P content included in 3.1800.02 Use of Technology Resources]
  3.1800.05  Use of College Information Systems [relevant AR and G/P content included in 3.1800.01 Acceptable Use of College Information Systems]
  3.1900.02  Connecting Devices to the College Network [relevant AR content included in 3.1900.01 Information Security]