October 7, 2020


Time: 1:07 pm
Adjourned: 2:33 pm
Location:  Virtual Meeting

Chair: Neil Vickers

Present: Don Becker, Erica Breedlove, Matthew Campbell, Daniel Chupe O'Hanlon, Martha Dorow, Michael Garcia, Bernie Hinterlong, Amber Kelley, Brette Lea, Willie Martinez, Christina Michura, Shari Rodriquez, Sharon Simpson, Deshaunta Stewart, Julie Todaro, Henry Tsai, Geraldine Tucker

Absent: Chris Cervini, Garrett Groves, Wayne Maines, Molly Beth Malcolm

Guests: Larry Davis, Lauren Sebel, Jessica Vess, Kimberly Whitmer  

Minutes: Catherine Namour 

Next Meeting:  November 4, 2020

I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Review of minutes, September 2, 2020

On motion and vote, the minutes were approved as noted.

  B. Workplan for FY21

Neil presented a plan to schedule a number of Administrative Rules to be reviewed during FY21.

II     Review following Posting for Employee Comments

         There were no items posted following the previous meeting.

 III   Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 3.03.013, Requests for Public Information

Presented by Brette Lea and Jessica Vess from the Office of Communications & Marketing. The AR was updated to reflect current department and personnel titles as well as the reference to Board policy. Additional wording changes were proposed for clarity. On motion and vote, the AR was approved to be posted for employee comments. 

Regarding the use of personal devices for college business, specifically in relation to the storage of college records, Daniel Chupe O'Hanlon noted that the college's BYOD policy has not been clearly communicated. Neil acknowledged the need to publish a comprehensive communication on how the Public Information Act applies to the use of personal devices.  

  B. 6.01.004, AR and G/P, Criminal History and Background Checks for Employment

Presented by Gerry Tucker and Erica Breedlove from the Office of Human Resources. Language has been added to clarify the full scope of the rule. During discussion, a number of suggestions were proposed by the Council. The drafts will be further developed and presented again at the next meeting.

  C. 6.05.007, AR and G/P, Employment Eligibility Verification

This item was deferred due to lack of time.

  D. New AR and G/P, Veterans Preference in Employment

Presented by Gerry Tucker from the Office of Human Resources. The drafts will be further developed and presented again at the next meeting.


I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Review of minutes, September 2, 2020

  B. Workplan for 3-year review of Administrative Rules

To be presented by Neil Vickers

II     Review following Posting for Employee Comments

        There were no items posted following the previous meeting.

III   Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 3.03.013, Requests for Public Information

  B. 6.01.004, AR and G/P, Criminal History and Background Checks for Employment

  C. 6.05.007 AR and G/P, Employment Eligibility Verification

  D. New AR and G/P, Veterans Preference in Employment