February 1, 2017


Time: 1:30 pm
Adjourned:   3:30 pm
Location:   HBC Rm 502

Chair: Neil Vickers

Present: Dawn Allison (for Rachael Ruiz), Donald Becker, Erica Breedlove, Marissa Burill, Matthew Campbell, FC Caranikas, Rebecca Cole, Vanessa Faz, Edgar Granillo (for Ruth Reinhart), Mike Hill, Ben Mathey, Connie Park, Shari Rodriquez, Clark Shaffer (for Matt Pappas), Julie Todaro, Geraldine Tucker

Absent: Chris Cervini, Stan Gunn, Bernie Hinterlong, Brette Lea, Bill Mullane, Matthew Pappas, Rachel Ruiz, Ruth Reinhart, George Tatarintsev, Brandon Whatley  

Guests: Steven Hassel, Alisol Martinez, Dana Tucker

Minutes: Catherine Namour 

Next Meeting:  March 1, 2017

I    Committee Reports / Other

A. Minutes of the previous meeting and updates - December 7, 2016

The minutes were approved as noted.

B. Leave Accrual Survey

Steve Hassel presented the results of a survey of 16 community colleges regarding their leave accrual policies. 

II    Review following posting

A. 6.09.001 Family and Medical Leave

B. 6.09.001 G/P Family and Medical Leave Guidelines/Procedures

Regarding unpaid leave for "birth and care...", Julie Todaro proposed that the guidelines state spouses who are both ACC employees are both eligible. The Council voted in favor. As this stipulation is not explicit in the federal law, if added to the rule it would be an ACC supplemental benefit. Gerry will consult legal and advise. 

C. 6.10.006 Holidays

After discussion of comments received from employees the Council approved the documents to be sent to the President for signature.

III   Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

A. 7.03.003 Business Expense Reimbursements
7.03.003 G/P Business Expense Reimbursements Guidelines and Procedures 

A number of edits were suggested.  The document will be developed further and presented again at the next meeting.

B. 6.10.013 Temporary Assignment Pay  (Renamed "Temporary Pay")

Neil provided background/historical information for the draft changes.  After discussion, the Council recommended that the rule be returned for further development.  HR Compensation will contribute to the revision process. 

C. 6.09.007 Leave : 4th review, vote to post

The Council discussed, then voted and approved this draft to be posted for employee comments with some minor changes.

D. 6.10.004 Leave Without Pay  AR: vote to post
6.10.004 G/P Leave Without Pay Guidelines/Procedures: minor edits, vote to post

The Council discussed, then voted and approved this draft to be posted for employee comments with some minor changes.

E. 6.09.009 Accrued Leave : third review, significant edits
6.09.009 G/P Accrued Leave Guidelines/Procedures: first review

This item was deferred to the next meeting.

F. 6.09.005 Non-Accrued Paid Leave : first review
6.09.005 G/P Non Accrued Paid Leave Guidelines and Procedures: first review

This item was deferred to the next meeting.

G. 6.09.010 Sick Leave Pool : first review
6.09.010 G/P Sick Leave Pool Guidelines and Procedures: first review

This item was deferred to the next meeting.


I      Committee Reports / Other

A. Minutes of the previous meeting and updates - December 7, 2016

B. Vacation Leave survey
See documents:   Memo from Steve Hassel and Survey Results

II     Review following posting

A. 6.09.001 Family and Medical Leave

B. 6.09.001 G/P Family and Medical Leave Guidelines/Procedures

C. 6.10.006 Holidays

III    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

A. 7.03.003 Business Expense Reimbursements
7.03.003 G/P Business Expense Reimbursements Guidelines and Procedures 

B. 6.10.013 Temporary Assignment Pay (Renamed "Temporary Pay")

C. 6.09.007 Leave : 4th review, vote to post

D. 6.10.004 Leave Without Pay AR: vote to post
6.10.004 G/P Leave Without Pay Guidelines/Procedures: minor edits, vote to post

  E. 6.09.009 Accrued Leave : third review, significant edits
6.09.009 G/P Accrued Leave Guidelines/Procedures: first review 

  F. 6.09.005 Non-Accrued Paid Leave : first review
6.09.005 G/P Non Accrued Paid Leave Guidelines and Procedures: first review

  G. 6.09.010 Sick Leave Pool : first review
6.09.010 G/P Sick Leave Pool Guidelines and Procedures: first review