December 5, 2018


Time: 1:05 pm
Adjourned:  2:30 pm
Location:  HBC Rm 502

Chair: Neil Vickers 

Present: Samantha Ackers, Don Becker, Chris Cervini, Melissa Curtis, Ping Chu (for Don Morris), Michael Garcia, Tracie German, Garrett Groves, Daniel O'Hanlon, Amber Kelley, Wayne Maines, Gerry Tucker, Jen Weber (for Julie Todaro)

Absent: Matthew Campbell, Bernie Hinterlong, Brette Lea, Molly Beth Malcolm, Paul Mason, Lisa McCartney, Don Morris, Shari Rodriquez, Maria Tavera, Julie Todaro, Brandon Whatley

Guest: Dana Tucker  

Minutes: Catherine Namour 

Next Meeting:  February 6, 2019

I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Approval of minutes, November 7, 2018

The minutes were approved as noted.

II    Review Following Posting for Employee Comments

  A. 3.03.011 AR Administrative Implementation of Board Policy and Board Delegated Areas
3.03.011 G/P Creation, Modification, Rescission of Administrative Rules and Guidelines/Procedures

On motion, the Council voted to approve the drafts to be forwarded to the President for signature. The motion passed on a vote of 13-1-0.

Neil advised that the documents will also be sent to the ACAC as a courtesy.

  B. 6.10.006 Holiday Pay

On motion, the Council voted to approve the draft to be forwarded to the President for signature. The motion passed on a vote of 14-0-0.

III    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 6.10.013 Temporary Pay (This is a rewrite of the AR 6.10.013 Temporary Assignment Pay)

The Council agreed that the rule only applies to non-faculty positions. Faculty overload, release time and other additional duties are addressed in the relevant Administrative Rules related to faculty.

Don Becker presented a revised draft with the title "Compensation for Temporary Duties". The Council discussed at length the many many variable situations that need to be considered in order to cover all in one AR. There is a need to establish very clear parameters for practices that are truly exceptions vs ones that are not allowed by rule. In addition, there are ARs that might overlap or conflict with the AR as proposed. Neil will work with Gerry and the HR team to review and report at a future meeting.


I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Approval of minutes, November 7, 2018

II    Review Following Posting for Employee Comments

  A. 3.03.011 AR Administrative Implementation of Board Policy and Board Delegated Areas
3.03.011 G/P Creation, Modification, Rescission of Administrative Rules and Guidelines/Procedures

  B. 6.10.006 Holiday Pay

III    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

         All documents referenced below are in the ASC shared folder.

  A. 6.10.013 Temporary Pay (This is a rewrite of the AR 6.10.013 Temporary Assignment Pay)