May 3, 2017


Time: 1:10 pm
Adjourned:  3:20
Location: HBC Rm 502

Chair: Neil Vickers

Present: Erica Breedlove, Marissa Burill, FC Caranikas, Vanessa Faz, Stan Gunn, Michael Hill, Bernie Hinterlong, Ben Mathey, Madra Mays (for Ruth Reinhart), Don Morris (via Skype, for Matt Pappas), Connie Park, Shari Rodriquez, Rachel Ruiz, Jennifer Weber (for Julie Todaro)

Absent: Donald Becker, Matthew Campbell, Chris Cervini, Rebecca Cole, Brette Lea, Bill Mullane, Matthew Pappas, Ruth Reinhart, George Tatarintsev, Julie Todaro, Geraldine Tucker, Brandon Whatley  

Guests: Steven Hassel

Minutes: Catherine Namour  

Next Meeting:  June 7, 2017

I      Committee Reports / Other

A. Minutes of the previous meeting and updates - April 5, 2017

The minutes were approved as noted.

B. Survey of other colleges regarding their sick leave policy

Steven Hassel briefed the Council on the results of the survey.

II Review following posting

A. 6.09.009 Accrued Leave

The Council reviewed and discussed the comments posted by employees and determined that no further revisions were necessary.

  B. 6.09.009 G/P Accrued Leave Guidelines/Procedures

After discussion, FC Caranikas moved to remove sections that state the waiting period for use of accrued vacation will be waived for people who return to work at the College within one year. The Council approved the motion by unanimous vote.

Shari Rodriquez moved to remove sections that state unused sick leave will be reinstated for people who return to work at the College within one year. The Council approved the motion by a vote of 13-0 with one abstention.  

On motion, the Council voted and unanimously approved to re-post the Accrued Leave Guidelines/Procedures with the above amendments for comments by employees.

III    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

A. 3.04.001 G/P ACC Employee Associations Guidelines and Procedures

Neil advised that the amended document approved by the Council on 9/14/16 was signed by the President on 4/5/17 and has been uploaded to the online Administrative Rules Directory. Now, language that is specific to the Adjunct Faculty Association has been added to the Provisions section, item 2.a. in order to further clarify eligibility for participation in elections and holding office within an employee association.

After discussion, upon motion the Council voted and approved to post the revised document for employees to comment by a vote of 11-1 with one abstention.  

B. 6.09.005 Non-Accrued Paid Leave
6.09.005 G/P Non-Accrued Paid Leave Guidelines and Procedures

This item was deferred to the next meeting. 

C. 6.09.010 Sick Leave Pool
6.09.010 G/P Sick Leave Pool Guidelines and Procedures

This item was deferred to the next meeting.


I      Committee Reports / Other

A. Minutes of the previous meeting and updates - April 5, 2017

B. Survey of other colleges regarding their sick leave policy (follow-up to discussion item III.A at previous meeting)

II     Review following posting

A. 6.09.009 Accrued Leave

  B. 6.09.009 G/P Accrued Leave Guidelines/Procedures

III    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

A. 3.04.001 G/P ACC Employee Associations Guidelines and Procedures

B. 6.09.005 Non-Accrued Paid Leave
6.09.005 G/P Non-Accrued Paid Leave Guidelines and Procedures

C. 6.09.010 Sick Leave Pool
6.09.010 G/P Sick Leave Pool Guidelines and Procedures