February 7, 2018



In lieu of an in-person meeting, an online vote was conducted for approval of the two published agenda items. Following are the results.

Members participating (18): Michael Acosta, Donald Becker, Charlene Buckley, Matthew Campbell, FC Caranikas, Chris Cervini, Raja Faris, Tracie German, Bernie Hinterlong, Ron Johns, Ben Mathey, Don Morris, Shari Rodriquez, Julie Todaro, Geraldine Tucker, Neil Vickers (Chair), Brandon Whatley

I Minutes of the meeting held on November 1, 2017

Motion to approve the minutes passed with a vote of 17-0-1 (Yes-No-Abstain)

II Review following posting for employee comments

Motion to approve the draft of AR 7.02.001, Purchasing and Contracts to be sent to the President for signature passed with a unanimous vote.


I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Minutes of the previous meeting and updates - November 1, 2017

II     Review following posting

  A. 7.02.001 Purchasing and Contracts