July 3, 2019


Time: 1:10 pm
Adjourned:  3:14 pm
Location: HBC Rm 502

Chair: Neil Vickers 

Present: Don Becker, Chris Cervini, Melissa Curtis, Amber Kelley, Wayne Maines, Paul Mason, Daniel O'Hanlon, Shari Rodriquez, Julie Todaro, Gerry Tucker, Brandon Whatley

Absent: Samantha Ackers, Charlene Buckley, Matthew Campbell, Michael Garcia, Garrett Groves, Bernie Hinterlong, Brette Lea, Molly Beth Malcolm, Lisa McCartney, Don Morris, Maria Tavera 

Guests: Azure Brown, Haydeana Gaviria, Dana Tucker

Minutes: Catherine Namour 

Next Meeting:  August 7, 2019

I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Approval of minutes, March 6, 2019

The minutes were approved as noted.

II    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 3.03.014 ACC Records and Information Management Program

Azure Brown presented a draft proposal to replace the existing AR dated 06/25/03. The proposed changes coincide with the replacement of our current records management system (FORTIS).  The Council provided feedback to Azure and after discussion it was agreed that the proposal requires further development.

  3.03.014 G/P Disposition of College Records Guideline/Procedure (proposal to rescind)
3.03.014 G/P Records Center Guideline/Procedure (proposal to rescind)

The contents of the two Guidelines/Procedures related to the AR have been incorporated into an online manual. On motion, a proposal to rescind both G/Ps was unanimously approved. (The proposal will be posted for employee comments along with the AR at a later date.)

  B. 4.03.003 AR and G/P Faculty Agreements

Presented by Gerry Tucker. The Council reviewed changes recommended by the ASAC in order to align with current HR practice. During discussion the Council identified points that require clarification. There is also a need to ensure the language concurs with the Full-Time Faculty Workload AR.

Gerry, Don and Julie will meet -- and meet with the draft developers if needed -- to further discuss the proposal and report to the Council at a future meeting.

  C. 6.05.005 Classification of Non-faculty Positions

Presented by Gerry Tucker. During discussion, the Council established that the rule is redundant due to the content being available in other documents, rules, manuals, etc. On motion a proposal to rescind the rule was unanimously approved. 

  D. 6.07.002 AR and G/P Professional Development Hours

Haydeana Gaviria presented proposals to amend the AR and G/P to provide clarity on the PD requirement. After discussion the drafts were approved to post for employee comments. 

  E. 6.09.011 AR and G/P Overtime for Non-Exempt Employees

Presented by Gerry Tucker. Following brief discussion this proposal was deferred to the next meeting further action.

  F. 6.10.012 AR and G/P Compensatory Time (Non-Faculty, Exempt Employees)

This item was deferred due to lack of time.


I      Committee Reports / Other

  A. Approval of minutes, March 6, 2019

II    Proposed Drafts for Posting and Distribution

  A. 3.03.014 ACC Records and Information Management Program

This is a rewrite of the existing AR that was last revised in 2003. 

3.03.014 G/P Disposition of College Records Guideline/Procedure (proposal to rescind)

  3.03.014 G/P Records Center Guideline/Procedure (proposal to rescind)

  B. 4.03.003 AR and G/P Faculty Agreements (Link to AR provided for reference only - there are no proposed changes to the existing AR)

The ASAC recommended changes to the Faculty Agreements Guideline/Procedure in November 2018 in order to align with current HR practice. The document has been forwarded to the ASC for review prior to sending to the President for signature. 

  C. 6.05.005 Classification of Non-faculty Positions

  D. 6.07.002 AR and G/P Professional Development Hours

  E. 6.09.011 AR and G/P Overtime for Non-Exempt Employees

  F. 6.10.012 AR - Compensatory Time (Non-Faculty, Exempt Employees), and G/P - Recording of Compensatory Time for Exempt Employees Guideline/Procedure