May 1, 2024


Called to Order:   1:02 pm

Adjourned:   2:15 pm

Location: Virtual Meeting

Chair: Neil Vickers


Present: Traci Allen, Donald Becker, Charity Benford, Erica Breedlove, Matthew Campbell, Chris Cervini (for Molly Beth Malcolm), Youssef El-Hage, Christine Hall, Tennille Harris, Bernadette Hinterlong, Kirk Kirkland-Arnold, Jon Luckstead, Keri Moczygemba, Roxane Royalty, Deshaunta Stewart, Kelly Torrico

Absent: Lisa Coppoletta, Jenna Cullinane Hege, Larry Davis, Robert Hall (SGA), Sharrion Jenkins, Molly Beth Malcolm, Shari Rodriquez

Minutes: Catherine Namour 


Next Meeting:  June 5, 2024

I For Information/Discussion

A. Review of minutes, April 3, 2024

On motion, and vote, the minutes were approved as noted.

B. 4.0503.02 Accrued Leave

4.0503.02.1 Accrued Leave Guideline/Procedure

C. 4.0503.02.1 Non-Accrued Paid Leave Guideline/Procedure

II. Review following Posting for Employee Comments

A. 4.0300.10 Dual Employment

On motion, and vote, the AR, with slight modifications, was approved to send to the Chancellor for signature.

III. Consent Items

A. 2.0703.05 Student Stipends for Participation in Student Government Association and Shared Governance (proposal to reassign to the ASAC)

B. 2.0703.02 Employee Associations (AR and G/P)

C. 3.0600.01 Purchasing and Contracts 

D. 4.0501.04 Holiday Pay 

E. 4.0503.01 Leave 

On motion and vote, Consent Agenda items B - E were approved to send to the Chancellor for signature. Item A was approved to reassign to the ASAC.


I For Information/Discussion

A. Review of minutes, April 3, 2024

B. 4.0503.02 Accrued Leave

4.0503.02.1 Accrued Leave Guideline/Procedure

C. 4.0503.02.1 Non-Accrued Paid Leave Guideline/Procedure

II. Review following Posting for Employee Comments

A. 4.0300.10 Dual Employment

III. Consent Items

The following items have been selected for review in accordance with AR 2.0800.01, Administrative Implementation of Board Policy, clause 3. which authorizes a Council Chair to make non-substantive administrative rule modifications that go into effect immediately upon approval by the Chancellor.

A. 2.0703.05 Student Stipends for Participation in Student Government Association and Shared Governance (proposal to reassign to the ASAC)

B. 2.0703.02 Employee Associations

2.0703.02.1 Employee Associations G/P

C. 3.0600.01 Purchasing and Contracts 

D. 4.0501.04 Holiday Pay 

E. 4.0503.01 Leave