
September 2012

Diablo Weavers Guild meets once a month, September through June, usually on the third Friday of the month.

Meeting location - for October 26 and November 16

New members and guests are always welcome.

In September, December and June we usually meet at a member's home.

Meeting: Friday September 21 - at Lillian's

Out first meeting of the year will be September 21, 2012 at Lillian's house at 10:00 am.

This will be our annual sale and swap of weaving and fiber items, with a small donation of each sale going to the guild ~

Bring excess yarn, books and other textile related items to sell or swap and stories of your summer adventures to share. We are looking forward to learning about your Convergence workshops and seminars!

We will also sign up for snacks for the coming year.

Future Meetings:

October 26 - Reba Siero will give us a mini-workshop on Swedish Weaving/Huck embroidery. She will send some samples to the September meeting for us to see.

November 16 - Phyllis Karsten will tell us how she goes from unspun cotton to great looking and wearable clothing.

Saturday, November 10 we will also have a workshop along with Treadles to Threads.

The Knit Beaded Wrister Meeting and Workshop with Donna Druchunas is now scheduled for November 10.

If you want to be in on the workshop or need details, please contact Vilija.

The December 2012 meeting will be our annual holiday pot-luck luncheon and gift exchange.

Local Events:


Lambtown in Dixon will be October 6 and 7, 2012. There will be exhibits, vendors, livestock, classes and entertainment and both cooking demonstrations and food for sale. There will also be sheepdog trials and a fiber show and more!

On Saturday there will be a Sheep to Shawl contest.

For directions and other details, see:

Black Sheep Handweavers Guild

Black Sheep Handweavers Guild has a few openings in an upcoming workshop.

Black Sheep Handweavers Guild will be a offering a workshop "Exploring the Design Process" with Tien Chiu, Oct. 20-21, 2012, in Redwood City, CA. This workshop is aimed at weavers and bringing your own warped loom is required. This is the trial run of the workshop that Tien is developing.

Topics covered include:

Exploring techniques and materials to inspire ideas

Creating a mood board/idea board to collect your thoughts

Translating ideas into design

Designing samples to test your design ideas/questions

Creating and evaluating samples

Because this workshop is about the design process, you should not expect to leave with a completed project; instead, you should expect to leave with a completed design for a new project, and an expanded understanding of design tools and process.

Please contact us at for more information.