November 2018 Meeting Notes

Diablo Weavers Guild

November 9, 2018

meeting notes

President Joan Anderson called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

There were two guests: Virginia Vickers and Paula Rafaela.

The first order of business was regarding the meeting space. Beginning in March 2019, the meeting room will not be available. There was a proposal to meet either on Wednesday or Thursday. A show of hands determined that we will meet on Thursday mornings next year.

Programs: Today's program will be about Dragon Boat ornaments, and will be led by Reba Siero. Future programs:

12/14/18: Holiday potluck and small gift exchange, 11 a.m., at Vilija's

1/25/19: Carolyn Greenwood

2/22/19: TBA

March: TBA

4/12/19: Wendy Garrity, from Australia, on weaving in Bouton

5/16/19: Laura Pierce, on rug hooking

6/14/19: Picnic potluck

Treasurer's Report: Vilija passed around a roster with notations. Please check to see if you have paid your dues. The checking account has a balance of $1,377.80, and savings has a balance of $1,002.00

Vilija also reminded us that Treadles To Threads and Diablo Weavers have combined their DVD libraries, and that she will bring them to each meeting. They are on the table to be checked out. Please remember to return them when you are through.

Joan also reminded us that information for CNCH 2019 is available on line. Maureen passed out the booklets at last month's meeting. There was a reminder that the deadline for a grant is 12/01/18. Grants are not need based. Please check the website for more information.

CinCH Notes is up, so be sure to check out the newsletter.

Next was show and tell.

The business meeting concluded at 10:25, and we moved directly into the Dragon Boat ornament program.