September 2011 Minutes

Diablo Weaver’s Guild Meeting Minutes Sept 16, 2011

Carol Causey called the meeting to order.

Vilija gave the treasurer’s report. The guild account stands at $2653.51. About $600 of that is for upcoming workshop. Annual dues are now due; the dues amount is $30.00.

Upcoming Programs:

In October, we’ll be meeting on the 28th, a week later than usual. Anita Mayer is our speaker, with a workshop on vests following through the weekend.

In November, our speaker will be Bonnie Wells, talking about “My Life in Cloth”.

In December, we’ll be having our traditional holiday party.

As of the meeting time, planning is still underway for a lace person to speak in January. And the remainder of the year has planned programs in place.

September’s Program:

For the September meeting, Lillian Whipple once again hosted the guild at her home for the annual guild swap meet and sharing of summer adventures and summer work.