April - May 2020

Diablo Weavers Guild meets in Walnut Creek, usually on the third or fourth Friday of the month from September through June, 10:00 am until noon or a little later. We do not meet in July and August.

Spring 2020 meetings are cancelled and the library is closed until further notice.

New members and guests are welcome.

In September, December and June we meet at a member's home. Other meetings are usually held at the Thurman Casey Library in Walnut Creek (Ygnacio Valley Library).

Thurman G. Casey Library

2661 Oak Grove Rd.

Walnut Creek CA 94598

Library location details and a map:

Meeting location


Dues for the 2019-20 year, September - June, are $30 per person; $40 per family. If joining half way through the year, dues are $15.

Update: Meetings cancelled

The rooms at the library are not available and group meetings are cancelled.

Although we are not currently meeting, don't forget about the weaving challenge for this year, "Make it work". Take the 5/2 cotton you picked at random earlier this year and figure out how to make the colors go together, to contrast, to blend--or whatever you choose. You may weave, perhaps make a band or kumihimo braid, or use any technique you prefer.

Have you finished your challenge? Send a photo and we will post results on our website.

Deborah Corsini was scheduled for our cancelled March meeting. We hope to have her for a future meeting:

Deborah Corsini program on Wedge Weave. See the link below to her web page:


Also see an article in HandEye magazine by Deborah:


And in the future we hope to have Leon Mayeri's presentation:

Golden Age Oriental Rug Importers:


Looms available

Two looms are available, as a donation. One is a Gilmore floor loom, not assembled, and a table loom. See the email and photos below.

From: <billiedotcalm@comcast.net>

Subject: loom

Date: April 2, 2020 at 6:42:48 PM PDT

To: <Ilknox@sbcglobal.net>

Hi! My mom, Maggie Yeaman, gave me your address. I have a loom that one of her friends gave me a long time ago. It has been stored in my studio ever since I got it. I’ve just never had the time or resources to assemble it and weave. I’ve been going through my studio in anticipation of the move my husband and I are planning. (We want to live in Mexico.) Unfortunately, we have to leave most of our precious things here. So I’m looking for someone who wants a loom. Attached are pictures: two from the company who makes the loom, and others of the orderly packed and labeled parts that are still in my studio. In addition there is a beautiful table loom. If you know anyone who wants a floor loom and a table loom, please let them know that I am not selling it; I just hope I can give it to someone who really wants a loom.

Thank you for any leads you can send my way!

Best regards,

Billie Davis

Cactus available

We have large Optunia cactus just dug up and ready to transplant. This is also called Prickley Pear. Easy to propogate at any time of the year (bill shows size of pads).

Free cactus for transplanting, several large pieces with nice roots.

For more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opuntia

Contact Carol to arrange for pickup.