December 2018 Meeting Notes

Diablo Weavers Guild

Meeting Notes

December 14, 2018

President Joan Anderson called the meeting to order at 11:28 a.m. and thanked Vilija for hosting the meeting at her home.

Guest: Patricia

Joan reminded us that CNCH conference registration opens at 9:00 a.m. on January 15, 2019.

Kris Peerand reported on the Summer and Winter Study Group. The group has completed their study of Summer and Winter. She told us the group was mostly independent study, with sharing. Members of the study group found it informative and a good experience. All members voted to continue with a study group next year. They selected Advancing Twills as the topic. The common reference the study group will use is Robin Spady's "Heddlecraft Magazine", Issue 1. This was selected as it is readily available and at under $5, affordable to all. The group will meet approximately every 3 months. Maureen has agreed to lead the group again. The first meeting will be March 15, 2019. If you are interested in participating, please contact Maureen Miller for more information.

Reba Siero reported on upcoming programs:

Jan. 25, 2019: Carolyn Greenwood will present a program on painted yarns/warps.

Feb. 22, 2019: TBA

Mar. 22, 2019: TBA

Apr. 12, 2019: Bhutanese weaving - location TBA

May 16, 2019: Rug hooking with Laura Pierce


Carol Gray brought persimmons - please help yourself

Reba announced that Jason Collingwood will be teaching a rug weaving class at Walnut Creek Civic Arts this spring.

Next, we had Show and Tell.

The meeting adjourned, and we enjoyed a potluck luncheon and gift exchange.