Minutes September 2010

Diablo Weaver’s Guild Meeting Minutes Sept. 17, 2010

Carol Causey called the meeting to order.

Our treasurer was off traveling the wide world, so the treasurer’s report will be at our next meeting. As a reminder however, annual guild dues are now past due. It’s $30.00 for the year ($40 for families).

CNCH Announcements:

With the CNCH Liaison Luncheon scheduled for the Saturday following our meeting, there wasn’t much new to report from CNCH.

Joan Anderson did remind us that the 2012 conference planning meeting was scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 25 at the Caning Shop in Berkeley.

Upcoming Programs:

Vilija has posted the current plans for programs on the CNCH website. Check it out at http://www.cnch.org/2010/08/26/fiber-arts/diablo-weavers-guild/ . There was some confusion about the date for the April meeting (April 15 or April 22?), which we’ll sort out for the next meeting.

September’s Program:

Our September meeting was our traditional swap, show and tell meeting. Once again, thank you Lillian for hosting this meeting at your home. With a summer’s worth of time to work on projects and with several having traveled to New Mexico for Convergence and Complex Weavers, there was plenty to share.

Respectfully submitted, Kris Peerand