June - Summer 2020

Diablo Weavers Guild, based in Walnut Creek, meets on the third or fourth Friday of the month from September through June, 10:00 am until noon or a little later. We do not meet in July and August.

Spring 2020 meetings are cancelled and the library is closed until further notice. We will post updates when we are able to resume meeting.

New members and guests are welcome.

In September, December and June we meet at a member's home. Other meetings are usually held at the Thurman Casey Library in Walnut Creek (Ygnacio Valley Library).

Thurman G. Casey Library

2661 Oak Grove Rd.

Walnut Creek CA 94598

Library location details and a map:

Meeting location


Dues for the 2019-20 year, September - June, are $30 per person; $40 per family. If joining half way through the year, dues are $15.

Interested in joining? Let us know and we will add you to our email list.

Summer 2020

Loom for Sale

For Sale: four shaft jack floor loom. I am asking 400 but definitely willing to be flexible on the price.


Contact: Sonya


Weaving Yarns for Sale

There is a large storage unit in Santa Rosa with a lot of high end weaving yarn on cones for sale. This is the remaining inventory of a custom weaving business that was saved by one of the production weavers. He passed away recently and was a dear friend of the woman who is liquidating it to help the family pay for the final arrangements. She says he was a kind and generous soul who would want to see the yarn go to those who would enjoy and use it.

There is a lot of cotton chenille in various sizes and colors, as well as rayon chenille and flax chenille. There were several large cones of cotton softball (a soft thick and thin yarn good for blankets).

Please contact Kahleen Nowak to arrange to look at it.



Weaving Exhibit at the Sanchez Art Center

Loom and Shuttle has an exhibit at the Sanchez Art Center. Susie has one of the four pieces, which are also featured in the Surface Design Association Newsletter. Margie K. also has two pieces in the exhibit.

UPDATE from Susie:

The Loom and Shuttle exhibit at Sanchez Art Center show has been extended to August 16.

The Center is not open on a regular schedule now, but groups of 1-5 people can make an appointment to visit at https://10to8.com/book/sanchezartcenter/ or by contacting the Director, Cindy Abbot, at <Cindy@sanchezartcenter.org>

The Center is south of central Pacifica in a former grammar school, and there is a very nice old hotel at the turn-off with a good Peruvian restaurant that features a porch with a view of the ocean and delicious crab avocado sandwiches and burgers.

The Sanchez Art Center:


The Surface Design Association Newsletter:


Below see Susie's tapestry portraits and Margie's weavings that are currently exhibited at the Sanchez Art Center.


Punk Medusa

Whistler's Grandmother

Margie's two weavings are below. You should be able to select the image to see details.

Virtual Gallery

Complex Weavers has a virtual gallery available June 29 - through September 2020.


How I Got Into Weaving – Lillian Whipple

Lillian was interviewed in a blog posting by Stacey Harvey-Brown.

See the links below for her interview, and to visit the interesting web site for The Loom Room.



Planning for CNCH 2022




We want you to join in the planning of a full conference for 2022 to be sponsored by Area 3 guilds in the San Francisco Bay Area. The meetings will be conducted using the Zoom video conference until we are cleared for in person gatherings.

Bob Darchi and Eugenia Gwathney of the Bay Area

Basket Makers are Co-chairs. Nancy Alegria is looking into venues. So, some of the work is in progress.

We would like to start with a Zoom meeting, Saturday June 13 at 9 am. Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6420255734

At this meeting we would like to identify some areas of interest, teachers, a theme and some people to be involved in the planning. If possible, we’d ESPECIALLY like to identify a committee for programs/ teachers.

Ask yourself, how can I contribute and get to know other weavers, spinners, dyers and basketmakers? This can be a rewarding experience. The time commitment is about 1-2 hours a week depending on your level of participation.

See you, June 13, 9 am. On Zoom. (Just click on this link) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6420255734

Eugenia Gwathney


Spring 2020 Meetings and June luncheon cancelled

The rooms at the library are not available and group meetings are cancelled.

Although we are not currently meeting, don't forget about the weaving challenge for this year, "Make it work". Take the 5/2 cotton you picked at random earlier this year and figure out how to make the colors go together, to contrast, to blend--or whatever you choose. You may weave, perhaps make a band or kumihimo braid, or use any technique you prefer.

Deborah Corsini was scheduled for our cancelled March meeting. We hope to have her for a future meeting:

Deborah Corsini program on Wedge Weave. See the link below to her web page:


Also see an article in HandEye magazine by Deborah:


And in the future we hope to have Leon Mayeri's presentation, originally scheduled for May:

Golden Age Oriental Rug Importers:
