Minutes May 2015

Diablo Weavers Guild

May 29, 2015

This meeting was held at the home of Margie Kaplan, during the Woven Shibori

Dye Day. Meeting was at the lunch break. There was no formal opening to the


First discussion was about next year's slate of officers. All slots were filled

except Program Chair. More on this later.

Upcoming Programs:

June 12, 2015: Note meeting time is 11 a.m. at Vilija's house. Bring an item for

the Pot luck lunch. Also, bring your completed Woven Shibori project from today,

and bring the references for whatever project you did today.

Sept. 2015: At Carol Causey's home. Topic: What I did last summer, as well

as the usual sell/exchange.

Oct. 2015: TBA

Nov. 13, 2015: Guest speaker Darryl Lancaster

Dec. 2015: Holiday Luncheon

Jan 2016: TBA

Feb 2016: TBA

Mar 2016: TBA

Apr 2016: TBA

May 2016: TBA

June 2016: Picnic Day Potluck Luncheon

Linda Van Heertum and Vilija introduced the upcoming Darryl Lancaster sewing

workshop. It will be held Nov. 8 - 12. At this time it is expected to cost $250 to

$350 per participant. The location for the workshop hasn't been settled yet. If

you know of a reasonably priced place, please contact Linda or Vilija.

Next we brainstormed program ideas for the 2015-16 year. Some of the ideas:

1. Woven square exchange. the woven square to be used in a finished project.

This could also be a possible guild project for the 2016 Conference.

2. Shibori Square exchange - or- weave a textured solid color square for the


3. Joan Anderson volunteered to contact Suzy Taylor for a possible program,

perhaps in Oct. 2015.

4. Kris Peerand suggested we use some of the talent in the guild and do some

type of home grown program.

5. Madelyn van der Hoogt's video on comparing weaving software

6. Other weaving video programs on varying topics

7. Carol Gray will contact a friend in the rug business for a possible program on


Back to the election...

Next year's officers:

President - Kris Peerand

Secretary - Pam Murdock

Treasurer - Vilija

Hospitality - Joan Leon

CNCH Liaison - Vilija

Programs - Chair TBA with a committee of volunteers

The slate of officers was accepted unanimously.

CNCH Liaison Report

Joan Anderson reported that the 2017 alternative conference will be held the first

week of May at Asilomar.

2016 will have 2 conferences - the main "big" conference in Modesto in the

spring, and a 1 day annual meeting type of conference in the fall at the Alameda

County Fairgrounds.

Kris shared around 3 copies of "Shuttle, Spindle, and Dyepot" featuring some

work by Lillian Whipple.

Meeting was adjourned.