Meeting Notes October 2017

Diablo Weaver's Guild

Meeting Notes from October 27, 2017

President Kris Peerand called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.

The refreshments sheet was passed around for volunteers.

Next was Show & Tell

Margie Kaplan gave us details about the upcoming display at the Orinda Library. First, there is an article in the Orinda News. It can be found at:

Scroll down to the November 2017 issue to see the article. Margie was also contacted by a reporter from the East Bay Times. The reporter came to our meeting today and interviewed some of our members.

The theme of the display is Diablo Weaver's - 65th Anniversary. Work was collected from members, and will be set up on November 1. It will remain on display until December 1, 2017. There will be a reception on Sunday, November 5, 2017 from 2:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. Vilija will order the cake, Kathy Dowell volunteered to bring paper goods, and Mary-Helen Binger will bring drinks. Set up for refreshments will begin at 2:00 p.m.

Vilija made cards to identify each person's work. Each item should be marked with name, weave structure, materials, and sale price if it is for sale. The Art Alliance receives a 20% commission. If the piece is not for sale, please mark it NFS.

Please spread the word about the exhibit to friends and family.

Treasurer's Report: Vilija asked everyone who has not renewed their membership to do so soon - information is due to CNCH by November 1. As of today, there are 16 members.

Programs Report: Today's program is led by Reba, Vilija, and Joan. Dates for upcoming meetings:

November 17, 2017 TBA at the library

December 8, 2017 Winter Potluck at Vilija's - 11 a.m.

January 26, 2018 TBA at the library

CNCH Liaison Report: Maureen Miller went to the Liaison Meeting at Lambtown.

She reports: if you are planning on attending Convergence in July 2018, make your hotel reservations now. Registration information is available online, and if you would like early registration, you can make a donation to Fiber Trust.

Barbara Cabral will be in charge of loom rentals. 4 & 8 shaft table and floor looms are needed. Each loom for rent needs to have a reed. All looms will remain in secure locations. The rental fee is: 1 day - $40; 2 day - $75; 3 day -n $90. Maureen reminded us to be sure your rental loom is in good condition.

CNCH Reno is in charge of goodie bags and would like all the guilds to donate something for the bags; they would like each guild to contribute 30 to 60 items. They do not have to be handmade. Joan suggested yarn cards, and Kris asked us all to think about this and we will make a decision at the November meeting.

There will be 2 grants available from CNCH, a $500 grant and a $1,000 grant. Grants are not need-based. Recipients will be required to write an article for CiNCH Notes. Remember, you must pay for your registration before the grants are awarded.

CNCH is looking for a new Webmaster. There is a stipend with this position.

Convergence will have a Sheep To Shawl competition. There is a limit to the number of teams allowed. See the website for more information.

CNCH is also interested in forming inter-guild study groups, at any level, and suggestions are welcome. The liaisons also discussed program sharing, and establishing a "knowledgeable members" list, so that we can share the information these members have between guilds. Also discussed was the possibility of having area gatherings, such as picnics, in central locations.

We stopped for refreshments. After the break, Reba and Vilija gave us instructions for the Scandinavian Stars, and Joan Anderson gave us instructions for the Heart Baskets.