Picnic Project

June 10, 2016 Picnic Project

Several members will be leading us in how to create a wide variety of bands and braids to get started in making lanyards for CNCH 2017. Depending on what you choose, there may be time to try more than one technique. See below for some suggestions. Other members are also experienced in these techniques and have volunteered to help get us started. It should be a fun, relaxing afternoon!

Simple Cardwoven Lanyards: Susie

We will set up a 2 color, 8 card lanyard that can be woven in several different ways. Bring an inkle loom, or bring a belt and some strong cord for a backstrap set-up. If you bring at least 3 colors of cotton yarn you will have a choice in how to set up to weave.

Additional supplies needed are 8 cards, 2 colors of perl or crochet cotton, a small beater (e.g. butter or plastic knife, tongue depressor), scissors, measuring tape and a laundry marker (if you have one). Wefts can be wound as butterflies, or bring a small stick shuttle.

Susie will bring printed handouts and supplies for anyone who needs them. There will be a small fee for cards. And, there will be pattern drafts for more than 8 cards for more experienced card weavers.

Kumihimo: Joan

Joan is going to demonstrate kumihimo and will bring all supplies.

Loop Braiding: Reba

Reba will be demonstrating the loop braiding we learned at the May meeting. She has offered to teach it at another guild and will start with a lesson plan for us. You can bring some cords, cotton or other material, and a favorite clamp if you have one. We will have extra C-clamps for you to use.

Fill the Gap: Sharon

The seven strand braid - aka Fill the Gap - is super easy and takes about 5 minutes at most to learn. It is useful because you can do it anywhere, it is easy to carry along, and takes little attention. For learning, bring some pieces of yarn about 30 to 36 inches long. Thrums, scraps, etc. knitting worsted, 3/2 mercerized cotton or smaller work best for learning. Combining different yarns is fun. Sharon will bring some interesting fibers to try.

You can learn this one and another technique.

Braiding with a Lucet: Vilija

Cording made on a lucet has been done, it is said, since the time of the Vikings. Often braided with strands of leather, a lucet cord is square and quite strong with little to no elasticity. In other words, a very utilitarian and useful cord.

If you happen to have one, bring it with you. Vilija will demonstrate the simplest square braid that can be made on one. AND, if you don't have a lucet, they are easy to make.