Meeting Minutes January 2013

Diablo Weavers Guild meeting notes from of Jan. 25, 2013

Vilija Deutschman welcomed the group in Carol Causey's absence, and opened the meeting with a discussion about the coffee service. In order to simplify the refreshments, she proposed we have one pot with hot water instead of coffee, decaf coffee, and hot water. There was general agreement, and Kathy Dowell offered a large coffee urn for the group to try out.

Treasurer's Report: Vilija gave the balance report, and said the donation to Judith MacKenzie's studio fund had been made.

CNCH: Will Taylor was not here to make a report, but Joan Anderson said she was going to the Advisory Council meeting. The 2014 conference will be held in Oakland again. For 2013 - make your own lanyard, for competition or not. There will be a walk around fashion show, and a Pinewood Derby style shuttle race. Friday night will be a "fun" night, and Saturday night will be the keynote speaker.

Announcements: Mary Helen Binger is looking for a roommate for the 2013 conference. Susie Hodges brought postcards for the weaving show at Petaluma Arts Center (1/11/13 - 3/10/13)

Show & Tell and break

After the break Sharon introduced Nancy Roberts, who spoke about dyeing on machine knit blanks. Nancy talked shared her inspiration from a Threads Magazine article by Rebeka Younger. Younger's article was "Subtle Color Shading for Patterned Knits." Nancy has published articles about her technique in Spin Off Magazine (Winter '94) and Spin Off (Fall 2006).