Meeting Notes September 2017

Diablo Weavers Guild

Meeting of September 15, 2017

President Kris Peerand opened the meeting at 10:15 a.m. She thanked Carol Causey for hosting.

Kris told us about several articles Vilija Deutschman wrote for Cinch Notes this summer, and encouraged us to read them if we hadn't already.

Joan Anderson reported on the Makers Fair at the Lafayette Library this summer. Joan and Reba Siero represented Diablo Weavers. Joan said it was well attended. They brought rigid heddle looms and each participant wove a book mark. Joan reported the project was well received, and they had asked us back for next year.

Treasurer's Report: Vilija passed a report that showed money received and how it was spent. We have a combined bank balance of $2045.


Maureen Miller is our CNCH liaison. The next meeting will be on Sat., October 7, 2017, at Lambtown in Dixon. Joan Anderson also reported that HGA Convergence would like each guild to donate 30 items for conference gift bags. The hotel housing registration is open, and can be cancelled if your plans change. It is expected that conference registration will open about December 1st. Please check HGA's website for details.

In accordance with CNCH bylaws, there will be a general meeting and a liaison meeting at Convergence. CNCH is also giving two grants.

Programs: Reba is working on program suggested at the Board meeting held in June.

Library Exhibit

Margie Kaplan is heading the project for exhibiting at the Orinda Library in November. Installation will take place on November 1, and take down will be on December 1. There will be a reception on Nov. 5. It is suggested that everyone will have the opportunity to display 2 items. Sales are allowed, and the library gallery charges 20% commission. There will be more information next month.

The business meeting ended, and we adjourned for refreshments. After that, there was Show & Tell and well as the Stash Swap and Sell.