February 2014

Meeting: Friday, February 28

10:00 am at the Thurman Casey library

Thurman G. Casey Library

2661 Oak Grove Rd.

Walnut Creek CA 94598

The February program will be Anastasia Azure:

Weaving sculptural forms with monofilament and wire

Anastasia Azure weaves extensively with the double-cloth technique,

transforming metals and plastics into dimensional weave sculptures

and jewelry. She will discuss her participation in a recent collaborative

experiment, Synergy, combining art and science. Her talk will highlight the

sculptural possibilities of the double-cloth technique. She will demonstrate

how to tame fishing line to dress a loom and discuss how to dye fishing


See below for a web site with examples of her work:


Snack for February 28 meeting: Pam and Tui

Bring your bag, or your bag "in progress" to the meeting.

Our bags for the CNCH Guild exhibit, "The Devil Made Me Do It" are not due yet,

but the entry form has to be sent in by March 15. If you bring your bag to the meeting,

Vilija will take a photo to go with the entry form and Joan will have extra forms to fill out.

The guild will provide the $5 fee for entry, BUT ONLY if you have your bag ready to go at the March meeting.

The workshop with Anastasia will be Friday afternoon at the library.

Reminder: Bring your lunch if you are attending the workshop.

All participants should have received a list of materials to bring from Mary-Helen.

Coming in March 2014:

Our meeting will be on March 21, 2014, the third Friday of the month.

Presentation by Eve Connor, past president of Loom and Shuttle Guild in San Francisco,

on using embellishment techniques.

"My Textile (Mis)adventures, or How I Save Projects from the Scrap Pile"

Eve has been sewing for more than 60 years, taught by her mother and grandmother,

and weaving for about 8 years. For her garments she uses techniques such as as quilting, embroidery,

kumihimo, Greek finger lace, and various sewing techniques.

She will have garments to display and will talk about each garment from idea to completion.

Branch Out with Fibers - CNCH 2014

A Fiber Artisans' Conference

April 25-27, 2014 at the Oakland Marriott Convention Center

See below for updates from Vilija regarding entry dates for the Galleries:


After much confusion, below are the new, official deadlines for Galleries

March 15 - entry forms due for all the galleries EXCEPT Return of Return to Sender. Entry forms must include a photo or photocopy of the item you are entering. We will have extra copies of entry forms at the February meeting. $5 must accompany each entry. [Diablo is paying for your Guild Bag entry]

Return to Sender skeins DO need to be sent in by March 15 with the entry form that came with the fiber. Entry forms are now on the CNCH web site for both Return to Sender and Return of Return.

March 15 - for non judged Return to Sender and all items for Return of Return, EMAIL Gina Glock by 3/15 to let her know you will bring a skein and/or a Return of Return item. cnch2014returntosender@gmail.com The skeins for non-judging and all finished items will need to be brought directly to the conference by 9 am on Friday, April 25. [Ask someone in our Guild to take your items if you cannot be there at that time] There is no entry fee for these two galleries. Return of Return will be judged on Friday morning

Local Events:

Richmond Art Center:

Weaving workshops with Anastasia Azure:

Anastasia Azure is visiting from Providence, RI and will be teaching specialty weaving classes :


Woven Jewelry: Sun. March 9


Walnut Creek Civic Arts Education:

Registration is now open for a variety of interesting weaving and fiber arts classes:



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Due to browser security settings, this will not always work using our normal domain name of diabloweavers.org.

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