Meeting Minutes May 2010

Diablo Weaver’s Guild Meeting Minutes May 21, 2010

Carol Causey called the meeting to order. Vilija Deutschman reported that the guild’s account balance remains unchanged (at $478.07).

Annual guild dues are now due. It’s $30.00 for the year ($40 for families).

A new draft of Guild Bylaws was discussed. Kris Peerand and Joan Anderson worked on a draft of updates, the majority of which were meant to bring the bylaws in line with current practice at our guild. The draft is posted online at the Diablo website for review and for discussion at the next meeting.

Annual election of officers took place. Voted in for repeat terms were: President, Carol Causey; Vice-President and Program Chair, Vilija Deutschman; Treasurer, Vilija Deutschman; Secretary, Kris Peerand.

CNCH Announcements:

Joan reminded us that the next 2012 conference planning meeting will be the day after our guild meeting, Sat. May 22, at 10 am, at Joan’s clubhouse.

We also discussed the anticipated addition of the Central Coast Weavers to CNCH, a matter expected to come up for vote by CNCH Advisory Council, and then Liaisons soon. There was full support in favor.

Upcoming Programs:

The June meeting and picnic project will take place June 11, kindly hosted once again by Vilija. We will be dyeing the Bandhani Tie-dye scarves that we started tying knots on here at the May meeting. Bring potluck to share for lunch.

May’s Program:

Our May meeting was led by Kathy Dowell, who taught us the Bandhani Tie-Dye method she learned in India.

Respectfully submitted, Kris Peerand