Meeting Notes November 2019

Diablo Weavers Guild

November 22, 2019

meeting notes

President Reba Siero welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.

There were no guests today.

Treasurer's report: approximately $800 in checking, and $1,004 in savings.

Hospitality: someone will need to take over the coffee service due to Vilija's move.

CNCH: no new announcements. Registration for 2020 conference is still open. CNCH is asking each guild to do a display and also to donate a gift basket for the raffle. This supports CNCH conference grants.

HGA Convergence and Complex Weavers conferences: Registration is open for HGA, and registrations opens for Complex Weavers in February. The conferences are consecutive this time with a 1 day overlap.

Member announcements:

Susie Hodges announced Golden Gate Weavers will have a display in Oakland at the EBMUD Building on 12th St. The display will run from mid January until mid February 2020. There will be a reception on Thursday, Jan. 16.

Carol Gray told us about a Gilmore loom and other equipment for sale. She will post details on the website.

Mary Helen Binger is destashing 10 skeins of churro wool. Please see Mary Helen.


The next meeting will be held on December 13, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. at Vilija's house. It will be a holiday potluck luncheon. Bring a dish to share and a gift for the exchange.

There was a discussion about ideas for upcoming programs. Carol Gray is working with someone to find an agreeable date to do a presentation about rugs and rug weaving.

Other ideas presented were to have Kris Peerand review her program on weaving software, and to have guild members present programs .

Susie suggested programs by local speakers: Debra Corsini on Wedge Weave,

Joyce Purlburt, a textile restorer, and Joy May Hilden, on Bedouin weaving. She has contact information for these suggested speakers.

Study Group: next topic for the study group is deflected weave. There was a proposal to purchase the Madelyn van der Hooght DVD on Deflected Doubleweave. The motion was approved by acclimation.

Library: Due to Vilija's move, we will need a new librarian who is a member of both Diablo Weaver's and Treadles To Threads to take the DVD collection to both meetings. Tina Butler volunteered.

Next was Show & Tell, then a break for refreshments

After the break, we watched portions of a video from PBS's "Craft In America" series. The segments we viewed featured Randall Darwall and Consuelo Underwood.