Meeting Minutes April 2010

Diablo Weaver’s Guild Meeting Minutes Apr. 16, 2010

Will Taylor stood in for Carol Causey, and called the meeting to order.

Lillian Whipple gave the treasurer’s report in Vilija’s absence, the guild’s account balance now stands at $478.07.

Guild Bylaws were discussed. They are wildly out of date, so a committee is to form to review/update the bylaws.

Next years officers were discussed. Those current officers who were absent from the meeting were enthusiastically endorsed to continue to serve next year. Will will contact Vilija and Carol on their willingness to serve again. Will also said he was willing to be CNCH liaison, Sharon Gardner expressed a willingness to help with programs. Elections will take place at the May meeting.

CNCH Announcements:

Joan Anderson reported that the kick-off meeting for 2012 conference planning, which took place at Santa Clara the previous weekend, was well attended. She encouraged us all to contribute our services to the upcoming conference work. She will be sending out a notice for the next meeting. (Update: the next 2012 conference planning meeting will be the day after our guild meeting, Sat. May 22, at 10 am, at Joan’s clubhouse).

Upcoming Programs:

In May the program will be in shibori knot tying on scarves. The May program will tie into the June picnic project, which will be the dyeing half of the tie and dye summer project. The picnic date is June 11.

April’s Program:

Our April meeting was a talk from Anne Field on Collapse Weaving. A workshop on the same topic followed the meeting.

Respectfully submitted, Kris Peerand