Screencast Tutorial 2

Using the Kentucky Virtual Library
Suren Dhasarathan, Grade 8
Drakes Creek Middle School
Screen Capture Tutorial

My screen capture tutorial will teach you about the Kentucky Virtual Library and why it is useful to use. I made this because many people (who do live in Kentucky) don’t know about this resource and how useful it is to use. You can read books for free online, learn about history, use resources to write essays, and more. 

To create this screen capture tutorial, I used my chromebook and Screencastify.

To begin, I downloaded an extension on Chrome called Screencastify. This let me record my screen as a video on my chromebook and it let me record my audio at the same time. I went through the process of going through KYVL and explaining it at the same time. I didn’t really want to edit anything because I had no images to add to it or do anything else, so I didn’t use any editing tools. 

Finally, I listened to what my finished product was, and redid the video a few times until I was satisfied with the result.

A problem I encountered while doing this was that every time I took a video on Screencastify, the little pop-up to stop my video kept popping up. I didn’t like that, so I tried to figure out how to not let that randomly pop up when I was taking a video. It took me a while, but I finally figured out that I could turn that off, and when I finished my video, I had to click back up on the extension and stop it. Since it just wasn’t popping up while I was taking my video, I could just edit the last part out, and it was perfect. Another problem I encountered was that I was talking to much and it kept reaching 3 minutes. The way I fixed this was by trying to talk faster and just glossing over things that were not as important. By doing these things I could get it down to 2 minutes.

What I enjoyed most about this project was doing the voice over. I usually hate talking in front of people, like presentations, but when you record your voice, you don’t usually have a bunch of people just staring at you. They aren’t doing anything wrong, but it just looks like they’re judging you! I get nervous really easily, and that just makes me forget what I’m talking about most of the time. When you do a voice over, you’re just talking into laptop, and you have no one watching you while you talk. I like doing this a lot.