wong sin set

JYSS Class of 2015


Sin Set (2E1 2015) with Mr Dayan Tan

Wong Sin Set

Boon Lay Garden Primary School (2013)

These two years at Juying is nothing short of amazing for me. The most memorable experience this year is the four-day three-night LEAD camp held at Pulau Ubin this year. LEAD camp stands for Leadership Experience and Discovery. This camp is for student leaders to hone their leadership skills. I really enjoyed this camp as there were many exciting activities. I even got to learn kayaking. I have motion sickness since young and got sea sick while kayaking but I still enjoyed the activity. The other activity I benefited from was the land excursion. We got the chance to explore almost the whole of Pulau Ubin and completed many missions which bonded our team closer. What I love most about the camp is that not only did I gain leadership skills, I also get to strengthen my friendships with many people.

The camps will not have been possible if not for the teachers of Juying. My favourite teacher in Juying is Mr Dayan. He has been both my English and Geography for two years. He always makes his lessons interesting with many activities and also group work. He also speaks in a way that keeps us interested in his lessons. I used to hate English a lot as I could not understand it. However, ever since he started teaching me, I began to appreciate the beauty of the language and my English results have since improved tremendously. Mr Dayan is always willing to stay back after school just for us even when he is very busy. He will also regularly gather feedback from us so that he can improve in his teaching.

The teachers in Juying also help to run a wide range of CCAs. I am in the Choir. I thought that Choir was going to be a boring CCA, but it is anything but boring. Our choir is a Show Choir, which involves not only singing, but dancing as well. Choir is so fun now that I put in my best effort in every practice session. I have many helpful seniors in Choir who always help me to get my dance steps and notes right. Our instructors and teachers are friendly and easy to get along with too. Moreover, all of us are given the opportunity to sing solo in different songs as long as we put in effort and have the right attitude.

I chose Juying as my first choice as I found it attractive compared to other so-called better school. I was really touched by how much sincerity our school Principal, Mr Seet, has. He went to the various primary schools himself to conduct P6 Talks when he could have just sent a teacher. I was awarded a scholarship when I chose Juying as my first choice.

What I love most about Juying is that many of the teachers are so awesome that I actually had a tough time choosing my favourite teacher.