Psalm 14

To "The Perfect". A psalm of David.

1 A foolish one says in his heart, "There is no 'God'!

They* destroy! They are sickening by their practices!

There is not one doing virtue! There is not even one!"

2 The Lord from the Heaven looked upon the children of humans,

to see if there is one considering or seeking out the God.

3 "All have deviated; together they are rendered useless.

There is not one doing virtue. There is not even one.

4 Shall they not know—all the workers of lawlessness,

the devourers of My people as eating of bread? They do not call upon the Lord."

5 There they will cower in fear, where there was no fear,

because the God is among a righteous generation.

6 A poor person's plan you would confound,

because the Lord is his hope.

7 Who will give out of Zion the salvation of Israel?

In the turning by the Lord of the captivity of His people,

let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad.

* "They" in the foolish person's speech (v. 1) can refer to either people and/or gods. Either way the foolish person is claiming that anarchy (among people and/or gods) proves that there is no God who rules over all as described in the Bible. The psalm refutes beautifully (vv. 2-7).