Mark 16


3 And they said among themselves, 'Who will roll away for us the stone from the door of the tomb?'

4 And having looked up, they see that the stone is rolled away. It was indeed very large.


7 But go, say to the disciples of His, even to Peter, that He goes ahead of you to the Galilee. There you will see Him, just as He said to you.


15 And He said to them, 'Going into all the Cosmos*, proclaim the Good News to every creature*.

16 He having believed and having been baptised will be saved, yet he having not believed will be condemned.

17 Now, signs will accompany them having been faithful to these things. In the name of Mine they will cast out demons, they will speak by new languages,

18 and in the hands they will take up snakes, and if they drink something deadly, no it will not harm them; upon infirm people they will put hands and they will keep well.

19 Then, although the Lord Iesous, with the having spoken to them by Him, was taken up into the Heaven, and He sat at the God's right hand,

20 yet those, having gone out, proclaimed everywhere, the Lord working with them and the word being confirmed through the signs following upon it.

v 15 Or world; Or all Creation