2 Esdras 7


71 And now based on your own sermons perceive, because you have said that sensibility increases by us.

72 Why, therefore, will any who are abiding on Earth be hence tormented? Because having sensibility they did iniquity. Even accepting commandments they did not keep them. Even attending to law they defrauded it which they accepted.


86 Sixth way: Seeing how they who are among them are going through torment.


104 ... in order to, instead of himself, be wise or sleep or eat or be healed.


112 And he responded to me and said, "Present lifetime is not the final limit. Glory does not constantly abide in it. Hereupon they prayed, who were strong, for weak.


115 ... nor to submerge them who conquered.


137 for if He did not multiply mercies, this aeon would not be made to live together with them who live in it.


139 ... and blot out a multitude of contempts...