
Pig Dog in a Cheetah body

Pig Dog in a Cheetah body

The idea I was going for was to make each part of my animal big and bold so you could easily tell what part of the body belonged to what animal. For this project, I didn't really relate to my life. But the drawing prompt definitely made me be more creative and think outside the box especially because i had to incorporate four different animals into one drawing. But I think the whole point of the Watchamadrawit assignment was to make us think outside of the box and step outside of our comfort zone.

The materials I used to create my Watchamadrawit include a graphite pencil that I used to sketch out my drawing before I went over the lines in colored pencils or a fine point black pen. I used pink colored pencils for my pig head, light brown colored pencils for my cheetah body, dark brown for my bear feet, and light grey for my dog tale. I also added little details to my drawing with a fine point black pen. And I just drew my Watchamadrawit on the paper that was provided in class.

When it came to adding color to my animal I had different ideas of what I should do. I thought about outlining my entire animal in a black pen but I ended up outlining certain parts of the body in the same color I used to shade in but I just pressed down harder making the lines darker. My project slowly started to evolve by adding colors and then adding black accents to my animal. I think my next steps could have been to make my drawing a little more elaborate and to add a background so it wasn't just a huge blank white space.