Photoshop Portrait
Photoshop Portrait
Wildlife Center
Artist Statement
Brown Hair
Ideas that are visually evident in my work is that I wanted my portrait to be the main thing which is why I made the background all one color and dark. Another idea that is visually evident in my work is that I added details but I didn’t want to add so many that it was confusing or didn’t make sense. My project relates to my life because it's a photoshopped portrait of me.To make this work I used photobooth to get a picture of myself and then I uploaded it to creative cloud and used photoshop from there to create my portrait.The process I used to create my art was slow and frustrating because I had never used creative cloud or photoshop before so it was very touch and go. I got to experiment with all the different tools on photoshop and how you can use them to make art. My project evolved as I outlined everything in black and then filled it in with color using the paint bucket tool. I think my next steps could have been to add more detail or maybe do something creative with the background.