Clay Sustained Investigation #4

Artist Statement

Red Lips

The main idea that guided my artwork was that I wanted my lips to look wonky and nonproportional. I did this by making the top lip bigger and more defined and the bottom lip smaller. the other main idea in my work is that I chose to make the lips red since they're lips and I also decided to teeth. I made the teeth not completely perfect too to add to the wonky look of my project. I also continued with my wire details like the border so it would patch the rest of my project. My work was made with air dry clay and clay tools. I also used sgraffito tools to carve out the lips design and then painted my work with watered-down acrylic paint. Once everything dried I added wire details to my work and glued them down using super glue. the processes I used with this last piece were touch and go because the first clay slab I made for this piece was too thin so it broke in half and I had to start over. Once I had my new clay slab the process started to go a lot smoother.