Relief Project

Artist Statement

The Rocks of Maine

The main idea that guided my artwork was the question what do you think of when you think of Maine? What I usually think of is rocky beaches and the color blue which was my biggest inspiration for this project. With this work im trying to show others what I see when I think of the state I’ve lived my whole life in. The other big idea that guided my art work was that I really wanted to use rocks as my material because theres such a large range in size, color, texture, etc. this material did end up being harder to use than I thought it would be though, it was really hard to make the rocks stay put even when I used hot glue.

My work was made on a thick type of posterboard paper to make sure it would be sturdy and not falling apart. I also used two shades of lighter blue paint to create a distressed like background, and for the main part of my work I used rocks from a beach in maine. When I was choosing these rocks I wasnt being too specific or picky when choosing them but I did make sure to get different size and colored rocks so they didn’t all look the same when I put them together. To make my outline of maine as close to the actual shap of maine I printed out an outline and glued it to my paper so I knew where to put my rocks and the shape they should be forming.

My process with this work involved a lot of trial and error, this was because it was hard going through all the rocks I collected and fitting them together like puzzle pieces to make the shape of Maine which caused a lot of revisions. I also went through trial and error when half way through my project I learned that some of my rocks were’nt staying still with the adhesive I was using. The hot glue would dry and stay of the paper and some of the rocks would just fall off making it hard for me to keep working.