COVID19 response

Caving In

Some ideas that are visually evident in my work are that I wanted it to show the effects of the quarantine and how the room was caving in on the girl. I wanted to do this to show that staying inside and being surrounded by constant emails about work and the stress it can feel like it starts caving in on you. This relates to my life because I wanted to show a little bit of how I’ve been feeling during the pandemic and how it can sometimes feeling like everything caving in on you and like it’s going to crush you. This assignment also relates to my life because I really enjoyed doing this art.

My work was made using a pencil, black pen, ruler, colored pencil, and my work was made in a sketchbook I found at home. I only used the colored pencils to color in the girl in the picture and left the wall blank so she stood out more in my work.

The process I used to create my art is that I started off by sketching out my ideas and then outlining them in black pen. After that I added color to the parts I wanted to stand out. My project started to evolve as I outlined my work in a black pen and added color. I definitely think my next steps could have been to use watercolors to add color to my art instead of colored pencil. I just think it would have looked nicer and cleaner, I also could have just colored in the mask covering her mouth and nose.