Paper Sculpture

Artist Statement


The main idea that guided my artwork was my word that I had to pick. The word I chose to center my workaround was growth because I really feel like I've grown a lot this last semester and I've worked really hard on keeping my grades up. I chose to make a flower out of paper to represent growth because flowers are constantly growing. my idea was to use this project to show my growth from this last semester and how much I've improved.

My work was made with mostly paper but I also used clear tape and hot glue to attach the petals of my flower and the stem and leaves.

During the process of making this work, I did have to revise a few times because of how difficult positioning the petals the way I wanted them was. I also had to revise and start over on the stem a few times because it kept ripping or it looked too short. during the process of making this flower, I also realized that using tape wouldn't hold it together so I had to start using hot glue halfway through the project.