Beautiful Oops

Science Art

Science Art

My idea for my beautiful oops drawing was this science theme. I wanted it to look like test tubes spilled some sort of chemical on the paper. I also wanted it to be very colorful with electric greens, blues, and purples. The beautiful oops art relates to my life because when I was younger I always loved very bubbly and cartoonish art that was colorful and bold. So when i saw my beautiful oops paper the science idea was the first thing I thought of.

The materials I used to create my beautiful oops art were a pencil to sketch out my first ideas and then different colored sharpies to make final lines then I used highlighters and othe colorful markers to create my test tubes and chemicals. For my final touches, I used watercolors to create my background, sadly when I was using watercolors some of my plack markers bled leaving weird black smudges. And I used watercolor paper to create my beautiful oops drawing.

I started by drawing my ideas of what I wanted in pencil on my watercolor paper which evolved into a colorful cartoon-like piece of art once I added in my colors and created a background. I think my next step could have been to make my background a little more interesting and be more careful when using watercolors so my black markers wouldn't have bled.