3D Design

Portfolio Reflection

My work shows my strengths and weakness throughout this semester because I definitely know that this art class was by far the one I have struggled with the most. I think my strengths show through how I've grown and adapted to trying to figure out 3D design and adapt to it. I tried really hard in this class to step out of my comfort zone and use new materials or techniques with my work. My weaknesses show in the 3D parts of my work because I still think I could have done a better job incorporating that into my work and adding more dimension. I think my work has shown how I've improved because throughout this semester I've stepped out of my comfort zone and experimented with new materials and techniques and that shows in my work.

I think the most challenging project for me was the sustained investigation just because I really struggled with adding 3D elements and dimensions to my work. This was also the hardest project for me because it's the first project that I've had to do a lot of touch and go and I had to do a lot of revision and even starting over on some of my pieces. Even though this was my most challenging project I think it was my favorite overall because I really liked the end result and how all of the pieces of my sustained investigation looked together. This is also my favorite project because I really like the meaning behind my sustained investigation and how it really focuses on modern-day beauty standards.

My artistic goals for the summer and the future is to definitely continue to take art classes all throughout high school and maybe even look into it in the future. Even if art doesn't end up being my career path I will definitely continue to do it throughout my life. My art goals for the summer is to just keep doing art and keep up with it. I really hope to do some big art project over the summer I just don't know what that will be yet.